To the Leaf Village

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Yay next chapter XD I'm going to try to make this story have 10 chapters. This is what I have so far so now i have to write more chapters

Kiba couldn't take it anymore. He looked at his friends who knew what he was thinking. Naruto gave him a goofy smile, Neji and Shikamaru nodded, and Sasuke just looked away not caring. Kiba then jumped out of the ship and ran on the water towards Almeria. She looked to see what he was doing and felt relieved that she wasn't going to die here. He jumped up to the ledge she was on then scooped her up into his arms.

"I'm glad you didn't leave me here," Almeria whispered.

"Of course I wouldn't. I can't just watch you die."

"It seems like you're always saving me,"

"Well I'm your knight in shining armor,"

Almeria smirked at his comment then let out a small laugh.

"That's a pretty cute laugh you got there; you should do it more."

"I should, that's the first time I've laughed in years. I can't remember the last time I did."

"In the Leaf Village, you'll laugh every day."

"I'll hold you to that," Almeria said smiling up at Kiba.

Kiba ran back to the ship with Almeria in his arms. Once he got to the ship, Neji tended to her wounds.

"Almeria, how long until we reach the Land of Fire?" Kiba questioned as he brought her inside and placed her on a bed.

"I'll know once the stars come out," She replied.

"How can you tell by using the stars?"

"Many sailors used stars back in the day. Soon they started to chart them and just followed that but now, there's a map of the world so everyone just uses that. Kiyo taught me how to use the star charts but I didn't want to rely on a map so I memorized the stars. It took a few years but I got it down."

"What was that jutsu that you used on that guy?"

"I was wondering when that would come up. It's my kekkai genkai. Our jutsu is kinda like the Yuki clan's but instead of making ice form out of thin air, we have to use what's around us like water. We're a little like the lower branch of the Yuki clan; the weaker ones. Any more questions?"

"Yeah, why did you kill the people in the village?"

"It was an accident. I was only eight and practicing my kekkai genkai but I lost control. That spear jutsu that I used got out of control. I put too much chakra in it and it was so hard to control. The spears were huge and started flying towards the village causing it to be destroyed. Some people were killed by the spears and others got stuck under buildings. I killed almost half the village."

"How did they know it was you?"

"I was the only one in the village with that ability. Everyone knew that I had the kekkai genkai. They came after me and then that when I ran into Kiyo. He was a teenager at the time and so were most of the crew. They took me in and I told him what happened and he took me in. He raised me all these years teaching me everything he knew. I was the youngest one on that crew and the only girl. Everyone was a ninja so they all trained me but I already had some training so I was able to keep up. Soon they couldn't teach me anything else. As you can tell, they aren't very advanced since they only encounter normal people and not ninjas."

"So how'd you get so advanced?"

"When we made stops to get supplies, I stole some books from libraries or befriended some people and they taught me some things. A few years ago when I was 15, Kiyo made me his first mate. I was honored but everyone was angry since I was so young and a girl. I proved myself worthy to them with my first robbery as leader....Kiba?"

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