Kiyo's true colors

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So I forgot to mention that I got the inspiration to write this story from a movie. I used most of it's story line in this. In this chapter I took out some dialouge from the movie so I wanna know if you can figure it out. Its from a popular kid movie that has many sequels and this idea came from the last sequel released. I believe the movie came out a few years ago. :)

After a harsh night, Almeria awoke to the sun shining over the fresh snow. The blizzard was over for now allowing her to start up the mountain again. Her limbs still ached but she had to get to her crew, they would leave without her if she didn’t hurry. Surprisingly, she made it up within an hour. She was exhausted but now she could see her crew finishing building the new ship. She ran as fast as she could towards them as relief and happiness filled her heart. Sensing her, Kiyo looked away from his crew to see an exhausted and still cuffed Almeria running towards them.

“Kiyo!” Almeria calls out getting everyone’s attention.

Once Almeria was close enough, Kiyo stretched out his arm. Almeria ran up to him expecting a hug but only felt pain on her cold cheek and fell to the snow covered ground. The pain on her cheek hurt more than it was supposed to due to the cold and her bruises from yesterday. She looked up at Kiyo with disbelief.

“Why…did you do that?”

“You got captured by those ninja. I can’t have a weak first mate.”

“What are you saying?”

“You’re being demoted, you’ll now just be our maid and not go out on the field.”

“But sir, I’m the strongest!”

Kiyo then slapped her again causing her to fall to the snow covered ground once again.

“Don’t talk back to your superior. You got captured so easily and were their prisoner. I can’t have a weak ninja on my crew. You shouldn’t have come back, you should’ve fought them; either killing them or died trying. You’re lucky that I still have some use for you or else I would’ve left you here letting you die.”

With those words, Almeria’s heart starts to break.

“He was right,” She thought.


“Yes captain?”

“You’re first mate now, get her cuffs off and send her to the kitchen. I’m starving.”

“Yes sir,”

Saku took his sword and easily cut the cuffs in half. He grabbed Almeria by the arm dragging her onto the new ship and led her to the kitchen. She looked around the new ship to see that there were a lot of parts from the old one. Kiyo was always good at building things so he easily rebuilt his ship within days. Once they entered the kitchen, it looked almost the same as the old one.

“Prepare lunch wench, the captain doesn’t like waiting.”

Saku then left leaving Almeria to her thoughts.

“How am I going to get out of this? If I leave, I’ll be captured again and be killed. If I stay, I’ll be a slave and eventually killed.”

Almeria then started to hear a horn. She recognized the horn; it meant they were about to go to battle. She ran towards the window and saw the leaf ninja on the mountain top ready to charge while Kiyo and the rest of the crew were in front of the ship getting ready for battle. She had to do something, she couldn’t live like this. The leaf ninja ran towards the crew and started fighting. As she was watching, she noticed something. The leaf ninja, were actually clones. Kiyo and the rest wouldn’t notice since they hardly fight with other ninja and don’t use that much ninjutsu. They only use their chakra to increase stamina and the force of their weapons.

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