Protecting the Village

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Sorry for the long wait guys, about a month right? Well between school, work, and my social life i've had no time lol but i had some time this week and decided to get this posted by the end of the week which is today. I finished this right before i had to leave for work lol. So this is going to be the last chapter :( i know sad but everything must end. I hope you guys like it :D

The two jumped back and looked towards the village. Smoke was seen over the trees in the sky. Almeria and Kiba quickly got to their feet and ran towards the village. Once they got closer they saw everyone else heading towards the area. In the middle of the village there was an explosion blowing up houses and shops. All the civilians who weren't as injured ran from the scene while shinobi scattered into the wreckage looking for survivors. The Hokage ran towards the wreckage barking orders to everyone.

"Find out who's responsible for this! I want most of my medics in the hospital healing the injured! The rest out in the wreckage healing those who need immediate attention!" Tsunade yelled.

Almeria looked around trying to see anyone who looked suspicious. As she was looking around she was knocked to the ground. She landed on her stomach and tried to get up but a foot was on her back preventing her from getting up.

"Hey!" Kiba shouted angrily.

Kiba ran towards Almeria's attacker kicking them off of her. He grabbed her arm and helped her to her feet.

"Are you okay?" He asked.


Almeria looked over to see her attacker.

"Kiyo," She said. "How did you escape?"

A group of jonin came towards Kiba and Almeria surrounding Kiyo.

"Well from you of course darling. Our plan worked perfectly. You pretend to help the leaf shinobi by capturing us then you gain their trust and break us out of jail so we can destroy this village and steal anything valuable."

Everyone glared at Almeria in disgust but Kiba looked hurt.

"I-I would never do such a thing!" Almeria shouted taken aback from his lies.

"Don't tell me you actually like this place. You betrayed them already, it's not like they'll just take you back.

"Almeria would never do that!" Kiba defended. "I was with her the whole time!"

"Not at night while you were sleeping."

Kiba was silenced for a moment thinking everything over. He looked at Almeria seeing how confused and angry she was.

"I knew we couldn't trust you." One of the Jonin said.

"But I-" Almeria started.

"Save it, Almeria Aisu, you're under arrest for treason and conspiracy." Lady Tsunade said approaching the crowd.

"What?! No! This is just what he wants!" Almeria shouted in frustration. "Lady Tsunade, you had my memories searched! Ino saw everything but didn't see anything that relates to me betraying the village!"

"There are many ways to hide information like that. This is not the first time."

Out of the trees shuriken and kunai came flying out attempting to hit the leaf shinobi. Out of instinct they all easily either dodged or deflected the weapons. The rest of Kiyo's crew came out from the trees engaging the shinobi in battle.

"This was too easy, did you actually think that we could be easily defeated? We tricked you into bringing us here and now because of your betrayal. We will ruin your chance of ever creating a life here." Kiyo laugh.

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