Chapter Two

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"OOWW!" I yelped.

My head was pounding so hard that I can't even open my eyes.

"I think I had too much drinks, last night." I muttered to myself.

I was about to cover myself even more under the covers, when I felt something hard under my leg.

I opened my eyes in shock and screamed at the sight.


The man woke up, and I have to admit, he was really hot with that just-woke-up look.

"Geez, lady. Can you pipe down a bit?" His morning voice was raspy, but a sexy version of raspy.

"Who..who are you?!" I snapped, moving as far away from him as possible.

He looked bewildered to see me and then checked his left hand.

"Uh oh..." He said.

"What? What are you uh oh-ing about?"

He showed me his left hand and there sat a sparkly gold ring on his ring finger.

"Oh shit..." I gasped. "Did you cheat on your wife with me?!"

He rubbed his nape and said, "I're my wife."

I froze on the spot and then checked my left hand too.

"Oh no..." I muttered, horrified at the sight of my ring finger.

There, also sat, was a sparkly gold ring.

I was so mad, that I screamed at the top of my lungs.



"Let me get this straight," I started. "I was already wasted when you found me and then you had me sit down on your booth. Then, we decided to just drink and party the night away? That's all you remember?"

"Well, yeah." Sexy Aussie answered.

"What was your name again?" I asked, sipping on my mug of strong black coffee to awaken my senses.

I don't even like black coffee, why on Earth am I drinking this?

"It's Eric Horowitz." He replied. "I thought I told you my name last night?"

"Well, I guess I was too drunk to even remember!" I snapped at him.

I sighed and then rubbed my temples. "Sorry, sorry. This is really a lot to take in. I got married to a total stranger, whom I haven't even met for 24 hours yet."

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." He scoffed. "You know, I'm not any different from your situation."

I rolled my eyes at him. "My name is actually—"

"Desiree Everson." He smiled, sipping on his mug of coffee. "I do remember your name."

Ooh, it's taking a lot of self-control for me to not slap that smug smile on his handsome face.

"Sooo, now what?" I asked.

"Now...what?" He repeated.

"Are we gonna get a divorce or something?" I asked.

He shrugged, "You choose, wife."

"Uuggghh!" I groaned. "Don't call me that!"

He chuckled, "Call you what? It is true. You're my wife, and I am your husband."

"Not for long, Mr. Aussie." I squinted my eyes at him.

"Yeah, whatever." He laughed out loud.

I groaned at his happy state and left the dining room.

I was about to enter my bedroom when I heard Sexy Aussie call out my name.

"Wait, Desiree!"

I huffed, "What do you want now, biss?"

"What if we give this marriage a shot? Ya know, like an experiment." He smiled.

I scoffed, "Dude, are you hearing yourself right now? You just said, a few minutes ago, that you are in the exact situation as me. Who would want to get married to a total stranger whom they only met at a bar for less than 24 hours?"

He shrugged, "Chris Hemsworth?"

I rolled my eyes at him and turned around when he pulled me back to him by my arm.

"What now?" I whined, stomping my feet like a kid.

"3 months." He held up three fingers at me. "Let's give this marriage a 3 month shot and then we can divorce."

I stayed quiet and just thought of the option that he laid out.

I really want to divorce him right now, but he's so handsome and kinda sweet too. Maybe 3 months with him won't hurt. Plus, I could really use the distraction from Ivan.

I sighed and held out my hand to him, "All right. Three months it is. No more..."

" less." Sexy Aussie finished.

We sealed our deal by shaking our hands.

"Day 1 will start tomorrow." I said. "Today, you can go home and I don't know...hang out with your Australian friends?"

"Wow, you really need to work on your people skills." He chuckled. "I'm going home now, wife. Try not to miss me too much."

"Oh believe me," I watched as he picked up his jacket that was hanging on the coat rack. "I won't even think about you."

He put his hand on his chest as a gesture of feigned pain. "Your words hurt me, dear wife."

"Just get out of here, you biss." I tried pushing him out of my door but he was too built.

"All right! All right! Hahaha!" With that, he got out of my house.

I quickly closed the door and sighed in relief.

"Finally! He's gone." I said.

I was about to enter my bedroom when I heard Sexy Aussie's voice call out to me again.


"WHAAAAAT?!" I screamed, marching angrily back to the front door.

"I forgot my car keys inside your house."

I found his keys on my coffee table and grabbed them.

I opened the front door and threw the keys at him, "Here's your damn keys! Now go home!"

I quickly closed the door but not before I heard the man's playful but sexy laugh at me.

Dear goodness, please spare that man's life from the humiliation that could dawn upon him by me. GGGGGRRRRRR!

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