I hate you【two】| kate (tanner hall)

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summary: your date with Kate ends up being found out by literally everyone, but that doesn't stop you both from having the best time you can.

warning/s: none.

author's note: this has been sitting since the last one was posted and y'all seemed to like it so i thought i'd post! :)

author's note: this has been sitting since the last one was posted and y'all seemed to like it so i thought i'd post! :)

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I was reading a book on my bed when Y/BF/N spoke up from her side of our shared room.

"I'm thinking of going into town to buy some new shoes this weekend," she said, catching my attention. "You wanna come?"

I lowered my book, growing nervous. "Erm, I've got plans this weekend."

"Oh, what're you doing?"

I smiled awkwardly, shrugging. "Oh, you know... just stuff... might go to the park."

I facepalmed internally at how unbelievable that sounded. Y/BF/N raised an eyebrow with amusement.

"You're lying. You've got plans with someone."

I pulled a face. "What? No, I don't..."

She jumped off her bed and onto mine, squealing excitedly. "Oh my god, you do! You've got a date!"

I rolled my eyes, feeling my hands grow clammy with nerves. "No, I don't."

Y/BF/N eyeballed me suspiciously. "Mm-hm. If you say so. You know I'll find out eventually, right?"

I shrugged. "Don't know what you're talking about."

She chuckled and went back to her own bed, leaving me to my book. I sighed with relief, glad that the conversation was over. It's not that I was ashamed of my date with Kate, I just wasn't ready to share it with anyone yet. What if it didn't work out? What if it went nowhere?

Oh, screw it. I wasn't worried because of that. I was a little scared that if people found out, they would treat me differently. Make fun of me because of my interest in girls. Or, well, girl. It was stupid. But it didn't change how I felt about it all. I'd tell Y/BF/N eventually, I promised myself. I would. Just not now. 

That mindset didn't last long however, as the next afternoon, a few days before Kate and I's date, I headed to my bedroom to grab some textbooks when Y/BF/N saw me and jumped up with excitement.

"It's Kate!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hi to you, too..."

"Your date!" she clarified, grinning at me. "You've got a date with Kate this weekend! That's why you won't go with me this weekend."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach as I watched her with shock. "Erm, how do you- how do you know that, Y/BF/N?"

She sensed my nervousness as she moved forward and rested a hand on my forearm. She gave me a reassuring smile and said, "It's okay, Y/N. I'm really happy for you. It makes sense, I mean, Kate has been flirting with you nonstop for, like, ever."

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