late | alycia debnam-carey

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SUMMARY: a bump in with a certain Australian woman almost gets you late for work, but may have been worth it...

WARNING/S: none.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I haven't posted an Alycia imagine in the time I've had this book? What?? Welp, that changes. Hope y'all enjoy!

"I'm totally gonna get fired," I mumbled to myself as I speed-walked down the busy streets of L

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"I'm totally gonna get fired," I mumbled to myself as I speed-walked down the busy streets of L.A. "I'm gonna be poor and homeless and jobless and I'm gonna die alone. That's it."

I had slept in by ten minutes this morning, and I didn't think it would make the difference. I mean, ten minutes, barely anything. Right?


Now I found myself speed-walking down the high street, trying not to trip over my own two feet as I aimed to reach the restaurant I worked at. I had five minutes before my shift officially started, but I'd been late three times this week and I couldn't risk pissing off my boss again.

I was too lost in my own thoughts as I was on the verge of jogging to pay attention to where I was going, causing me to bump into someone. Unfortunately, this person was holding a cup of hot coffee as they went right into my front.

I squealed as the hot liquid soaked through my maroon-coloured blouse. It was certainly an obvious mishap on my shirt and the smell of coffee surrounded the stranger and I.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," the stranger apologised, her green eyes wide with surprise. I noticed her lack of American accent instantly... Australian, maybe?

I cursed in my head at the situation and still felt rushed because I was afraid of being late.

"It's fine," I reassured the polite woman with a small smile. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have been racing around without looking where I was going."

She chewed on her lower lip which made her look kind of cute, but now certainly wasn't the time to be admiring cute strangers.

"I can buy you a new shirt, if you want," she offered, but before she could continue, someone she obviously knew stepped out from the coffee store she previously exited and saw our encounter.

"Alycia, what have you done now?" the other woman asked rhetorically, amusement on her face. She was also Australian, which was funny in itself, but once again, I didn't have the time to stay and chat.

I checked the time on my watch and saw I had two minutes left before my shift would begin. This brought me back to reality and I met eyes with the flustered Australian before me.

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