After. Pt 2

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y/n POV
" so , who's house are we headed to?" I said breaking the silence ( other than the music playing softly  ) in the car.
" Well if its cool with you I was thinking we could hang at the Ramos house." Daveed said happily.
" Sounds great!" I said, " we could watch a movie or something"
" cool, what movie?" Daveed said glancing at his rear view mirror as he drove. " how about... OH I know Anthony has been wanting to watch some movie uhhh ... i think its called Annabelle, i don't know what its about, or what kind of movie it is. And Anthony most likely won't leave us alone in a room so we might as well." I say shrugging. // sorry if your name is Annabelle, its the first scary movie that came out around the time of the start of Hamilton.//
" uuuhhh, sure,just so you know that is a horror movie." Daveed said warning me, i found it really cute how much he cared about me.
" oh. As long as I'm not watching it by myself then i will be fine." I say contently as we get to the parking garage of our apartment building.
" what ever you say, princess. " he said chuckling. I blush as he parks the car. The blush across my face darkened going from a pastel pink to a more pigmented rose color at the use of the word princess, Daveed calling me that just made my heart MELT! Soon we reached the apartment building and walked into the elevator side by side arms linked while talking and joking around with each other. Soon I reach the apartment and open the lock with the keys I had pulled from my bag as we walked. Once the two of us entered Anthony was sitting small chair that sat near the couch he was looking at the TV scrolling through movies on Netflix and soon switching over to HULU. " GUYS HELP ME !!" He groaned from his seat. " what exactly do u need help with ?" I ask sitting on the couch and patting a spot for Daveed to sit near me. " I'm freggin' fraggin' B-O-R-E-D" but rather than saying the letter D he made the sound. " Movie night ?" I ask as Daveed sits down and we both start removing are shoes to get comfier aspecially me since I was wearing heals.
" well Y/N said you wanted to watch that creepy doll movie, Annabelle. I'm down to watch it." Daveed said also taking of his sweater, which I'm not sure why our apartment was pretty chilly most of the time and today was no different. " yea i bought the DVD like last week but y/n is here, and she is freakin frackin SCAREDY-CAT!" He said teasingly. " I am not!" I said defensively; " alright calm down. So u guys u wanna watch it?"
" sure"
" mhm" i said acting a lot more  confident then I was really feeling, maybe I could pull a cliche and be the cute scared? And use that as a way to get closer to Daveed? I'm not sure, I'm gonna let him make another move THEN i will but till then i can still try to catch his attention. Maybe a few small yelps here and there or something.

Daveed POV
- time skip to mid movie. -

I yawn an lean my arm behind y/n head, happily she moved cuddled closer to me and i saw Anthony glance back at the two of us, giving us the mix look of ' awww so cute' and ' diggs I'm gonna kill you'

- 15 min later-
PLAN B. I AM TERRIFIED. By this point i was making small sounds, screams but not really, they sound like a mouse getting chased by an owl. I am practically in Daveeds lap, my head in the crook of his neck.
" that's enough of that.'' Anthony said . " hey, its alright i got you." Daveed whispered in my ear, " Anthony turned off the movie, and the lights are back on, he started playing with my hair. " you can look now, love." As he said this I shake my head no, i was still scared but other than that I'm kinda just really comfortable but reluctantly Move and open my eyes. " I'm cold." I say pouting, I wasn't lying, it was pretty cold. Daveed took his sweaters off the end of the couch. " here you can use it." He said handing it to me, I gladly took it and put it on. It looked like I wasn't wearing any other clothes since the sweater was big on me, it also added at least 6 inches to my arms as it hung loosely. I smiled and cuddled closer to Daveed again.

" I would break that up but I'm to tired" Anthony said as he ruffled his hair and walked into his room and shut the door.

" what now ?" I ask daveed.
" it's kinda late. I should head home ." He responded
" aw are u sure ? Your more then welcome to stay the night here. On the couch, in the guest bed room or we could share my bed." I said happily glancing up at him
" U sure ?"
" looks like the guest bed is gonna be in use tonight" he said happily
" coolio, it's just down the hall to your left." I say my voice growing softer as I got tired
" sounds cool" he said standing up, as did I.
I make my way to my room to change and sleep " night daveed." I say before he enters the guest room and I enter mine. " night princesses." He said as he closed the door .

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