You and groff.

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A/n ok so this chapter I already know ( like most of my other work ) is gonna be crappy as hell but u know what it's sister fine. So let's get into it.

Your POV

As I'm sitting and laughing with the guys I look over and see that Daveed looks like .... I can't tell exactly ... like he is in some sort of hurry. I don't know . I'm was about to ask something along the lines of, you good ? But as I open my mouth to speak, I hear a knock at the door . GROFF . I smile and head to the door quickly , practically running. I open the door to see a man around my height with light brown hair . He smiled to me the classic Jon smile " spill your tea sister !!!" Groff yelled walking in the the apartment. My eyes widened and said quietly " In my room !" I say slightly shoving him toward my room. " bossy bossy bossy" he said walking in , once he is fully in my room I smile to the 3 guys on the couch as I go into my room , Jon pushes passed me and sticks his head out of my room and says from what I can hear " hi Lin , Anthony and ~~" I couldn't hear the last thing he said and I got nervous , I pulled him back into the room and shut the door . " what did u say , you started getting quite , you said something u know I wouldn't like" I said quickly " relax !! All I did was call Daveed your future husband that's all !!" He said laughing and sitting on the bed before I could say anything he was talking already " so , what's the tea !" " well with the whole husband thing u might just be right. He asked me out !" I said smiling. Jonathan's jaw looked as if it was going to hit the floor. " your joking!!" Groff said like Eliza on her wedding day .  " I'm not ! He even gave me flowers !!" I smile.

TBC ...

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