Chapter 22

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As they hear the nurse shout in a hurry asking them to come to Yezun's room, they were so scared they rushed quickly only Shen wei remained frozen in his spot. He was shivering, he couldn't make a move from the sudden news of Yunlan and soon of his brother he was expecting the worst. "Shen wei" called the president for him. Shen wei looked at him with a pale face and tears dropping like river from his beautiful eyes. "come here" asked the president for him to join them. They arrived at Yezun's room and they looked at the nurse who was seeming very happy. What is it? "shouted the bulter. "look Sir, he is awake" she uttered in a loud voice. Shen wei quickly wiped his tears to see clearly and went runing to his brother's side.

"Look this is all the necessary papers that you need for now, your new identity, your new adress ah and this your flight ticket. You can't contact anyone Mr. Bai yu, not a single human being but we will contact you when it is needed" Zhao was given instructions that he already knows by his superior. He was ready to leave when his dad called him "Yunlan". He didn't turn, he called him again still he didn't turn. "Bai yu" called him with his new identity. "yes, Sir" answering now with a smile. "great, now I can let you go. It's time for you to leave".Yunlan left the country and cut ties with everyone he knew since he is banned from keeping in touch with anyone. "don't worry babe, this won't take long sweetheart" he smiled while being in the plane. He has no other choice but to bear with the rules to be free later.

Shen wei hugged Yezun and cried tears of blood, he was crying non stop when Yezun put his weak hand around his shoulder trying to comfort him gently patting him. "thank you, thank you for waking up" Shen wei coudn't see his twin because of the amount of tears in his eyes, he even couldn' open his eyes. He kept crying laying on his brother's chest until he fainted, they took him and put him in his own bed. "Dad......... what.. is....w..rong .him" Yezun was hardly talking. His dad was caressing his hair and kissing his head. "sweety, he is just happy that you are awake plus the nurse when she shouted, she scared all of us" he said before kissing his forehead.

Two years passed by now, Shen wei is working in the company instead of his brother while Yezun is enjoying his freedom doing all what he wants. "When are you going to work Yezun?" asked Shen wei while having dinner with his brother and their dad. "why are you even asking, I am not gonna work again. I enjoy being free" he said carelessly. "Mr. president say something to this spoiled brat" Shen wei was a bit angry. "Shen wei babe, he should rest, he is still recovering" the president said. "yes, I am still recovering" said Yezun. "two years have passed now, how come you say that". Shen sighed in anger. "Son are you tired from too much pressure at work am I burdening you?" the president was adressed to Shen wei. "no, never. I just want him to do something not to be this lazy" Shen wei answered his adoptive dad.

"Shen wei if you are not working at the company, what kind of work you would like to do?" asked Yezun. "well, I am a lawyer but I wanted to be a professor at a law university or to open my own office" he was smiling brightly while saying that since it's his so desired dream. Yezun and the president looked at each other. "tomorrow is our birthday, what do you want as a gift Gege?" asked Yezun softly to his brother. His expression changed to a very sad one, "me nothing, I need nothing thank you". Shen wei sometimes becomes very sad and depressed sometimes it's hard for them to bring the smile back to him, he wanted to comitte suicide two times but luckly they were there to save him if not for Yezun he wouldn't survive being without Yunlan.

The next day, the president prepared a feast for his twin's birthday. They were happy enjoying the big party when the president came close to them both and hugged them, "I am lucky to have you but I need to let go to one of you soon" said making both of them confused. "dad? what is it?" Yezun said. He grabbed a key from his jacket and handed it to Shen wei," this is your new apartment and near it your new job, you will be teaching in Dragon City University of Law". Shen wei was shocked, he was speechless. "what do you mean dad? he will leave us?" asked Yezun. "I can't be selfish anymore and keep him against his will, he must rest and do as he pleases and of course he needs his own privecy" said the president. Still Yezun felt angry, "I can't stay alone dad" shouted Yezun. "Yezun, you got him to help you and made him suffer can't you repay your brother with kindness?". Yezun lowered his head feeling guilt. Shen wei remained silent.

The next evening Shen wei and Yezun went to visit the house, "wow it's big and so elegant, I will live here with you" Yezun said. "hehe" Shen laughed and went to visit every corner. "Yezun it's clear that this is a very expensive one, I am very burdened to accept this" said Shen wei. "he won't take it back so you have no choice" Yezun layed on the couch, "you only need your clothes  right?" he smiled. Shen wei went outside with Yezun, did some groceries and bought the necessary things for the new house. "good night Gege, tomorrow I will be coming to visit and bring you your clothes, he dropped Shen in front of his building and was about to leave. "come inside have dinner at least" Wei suggested. "no, sorry... mm.... maybe next time but not today" he wincked to his brother and left. Shen wei was confused of his brother strange attitude.

He went to his apartment opened the door and was about to enter when he heard a voice from the opposit corridor, "are you the new neighbor?" asked the the person at the back. This voice is not new for our Shen wei, his heart was beating fast nearly stopped, he could barely breath and he dropped the key of his apartment from the shock. He was waiting for the man to show up to see who he was when finally he could see his face clearly. Tears flowing from his eyes, face looked very pale from the sudden sight of this man. Yunlan stood just in front of him so close to him. "Hello! neighbor" smiled to him gently. He was so different with the new hairstyle and a new style of clothes he looked just stunning. Shen wei was gonna faint, he was not believing his own eyes. "you are alive.... they all made me go throw your death, I was hopeless, I barely survived without you my love" he caressed his cheek. Yunlan kept silent and was looking at him deep. When Shen's tears didn't stop flowing.

"My name is Bai yu, I don't know who you are talking about and I live in the opposite corridor" he couldn't reveal it to Shen wei, what happened till now. Shen wei was confused "did you lose your memories from the accident?" asked while still putting his hand in his cheek when Yunlan started to feel weak. "no" said gently. "then?" said Shen wei. "I died in that accident, that's the only thing I can say call me Bai yu" he pulled him by his waist. "I don't know how I held it till now being away from you?" said Yunlan. Shen hugged him tight, and whispered some gentle words "love, I miss you like mad.... don't leave please I nearly died without you", "let's go inside, we need to talk more but in bed" said Yunlan, "hehe you never change" laughed Shen wei. "did anyone touch you?" asked Zhao. "no, I won't allow anyone but you, this body still has your marks, It belongs to you babe" said Shen wei, "good, let me have what's mine finally" Yunlan sighed heavely while holding Shen wei dear."happy birthday my love...I won't let you sleep neither tonight nor all the coming nights..... I will make love to you as much as I can Shen wei" said Yunlan while laying him in bed. "yeah, don't let me sleep or rest take me as much as you can I want you badly" Shen wei finally kissed Zhao hungerly. "I am thirsty for you, I am craving you hole......... damn it how much you arouse me" Yunlan broke the kiss said that and kissed him back again by force.

This story is coming to an end soon, hope you enjoyed it so far. Wish you a very good night my dear readers.

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