Chapter 18

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Zhao was thinking for a moment of how he can enter to the so highly secured mansion, "Lin... are you listening to me?" he asked his friend who still on the phone. "yes, boss" Lin answered back worried about his friend. "I am taking the main entrance, I need to gain time and you know what to do right?", "are you crazy, it's the entrance that is highly guarded by the security" Lin was so worried as he knows Zhao is so reckless. Zhao went out from his hide and faced directly the main entrance when all the security took out their guns directed them to Yunlan and gathered arround him, he laughed and raised his hands and said "I am from the police and I need to meet with Gao Jing Feng" The guards made a quick call to inside the house when getting orders to search him, take every weapon or dangerous tool he may have and handcuff him before letting him in.

The minister of defence allowed Zhao in even when being warned by Gao not to get near him or face him. "Sir you are making a mistake letting him in, he is so dangerous" the man just ignored Gao's warning and wanted to meet with the famous Zhao "don't worry, he won't be able to do anything don't you know where you are?" he was confident. Lin jing called Zhao's dad telling him that his son surrendered himself to enter the minister's house to meet with him and try to find Gao Jing Feng. "Lin don't worry his my son. If he doesn't know what he is doing he won't go there by himself" Yunlan's dad was so relaxed not worried for a second about his son. Lin was a bit surprised for how his dad is this coldhearted when he knew that he won't be able to come out alive of that house if he let's his guard down, he quickly called for back ups.

Shen wei woke up finding himself in a prison cell, he felt pain on his head from that strong hit. He was injured and felt so cold because of his wet clothes. Shen wei was so scared in that dark cold place waiting for his man to come and rescue him, he knows that Zhao is gonna find him. Someone came to him, "you are awake now, come with me" they dragged him out roughly. Now he is back to that investigation room, he was facing the same degnified and elite man "Shen wei, I will be honest with you...... there is no one who knows Zhao yunlan true identity and keep on living, it's dangerous for our first agent as he serves the nation. Yunlan must not have a proper relationship until he is out of service, you know what I mean?" the man facing him said while Shen wei felt so scared for not being able to see his man or his brother if they kill him.

"He knows that you are here, he was the one who was gonna take care of you but he is busy now dealing with other important people. I will accomplish his mission for him" that man send shiever to Shen wei, he can't just believe that Zhao was gonna kill him or may ever think about doing so. "Shen wei....your man wants you to disappear since you are a threat to him, won't you say anything" he was trying to get him to talk. Finally Shen wei said something "I am a lawyer, remaining silent is what am good at and if you think you re gonna get anything from me then you re wrong, if you gonna torture me or kill me it's the same just don't waste your time on waiting" said with a very cold tone. The man in front of him was speechless and was thinking, he went outside "just keep him on that cell for now, we can do nothing until Yunlan finishes his mission his dad said to his men.

Zhao was finally facing the minister of defence, "Zhao Yunlan, the famous bodyguard or shall I address you as the top secret agent of the Intelligence department?" asked the minister mokingly. Zhao crossed his legs and sat very comfortably being handcuffed and laughed a bit "well Sir call me whatever you like, I could be even more than what you think", they both smiled to each other reading what's on the other one's head. "looking for Gao right? what made you think he is here?" the minister asked. "his sister said, I am not a wizard" laughed Zhao again being so relaxed. "indeed, he is my guest but before I call for him let me ask you you trust your dad Yunlan?" he made Zhao so confused. "Are you sure you are on the right side?" asked again being so serious.

Zhao kept silent thinking of what this man just said to him, these question could be a trap or could be true as he himself doesn't trust fully anyone. "before I answer your question, let me ask you Sir of what brought Gao to be in your house.... what could be the relationship of you two?" Zhao wanted to know of what kind of deal they have together. "I wanted to take control over that company since I was the one after that partnership with the US team, Gao was only helping within his power. I wanted to push for the agreement and watch from afar, there are great deals with such a partnership" he shamlessly said. Zhao narrowed his eyes "mm.... ok, now let me answer your questions. trust is something I don't believe in but I need to obey him since I work for him and me being on the right side well soon will find out".

"Sir I got orders to end your life with Gao and you know I am gonna do that without a mistake" Zhao said with fierce eyes. "I know Yunlan, that's what your father wants any way to clear the way for him... he wants to take my position... ah for you to know that he is using his position and you for his own benefits as we all do. Yunlan your father is preparing for great deals with his subordinates and for why he is aiming for Gao's head is because he got some files about your dad meeting with another foreign group about selling that contract of partnership with a high prize" when the minister finishes his sentence, Gao came from the back sitting just next to the minister, "seeing you like this being this weak and handcuffed is sure a good sight" said Gao. Zhao kept looking at him, wanted to kill him on that moment for him being the reason of the president sikness and Yezun as well also he was the one behind Shen wei's abduction.

"where is Shen wei?" Zhao asked while kept looking at him, "I don't know, why are you asking me?" Gao said mokingly. Zhao lowered his head and laughed then asked again "Where is he?, it was your cars that took him". "Listen stupid that was your dad using his brain not like you, I sure wanted to kill both of you for ruining my plan but now I have no interest, all I need now is to escape from your dad who is after my head" said Goa with a serious tone, being mad a bit of what is awaiting for him. "what do you mean?" Zhao asked, "listen boy, your dad used to do this a lot, he uses camouflage and tricks to get you do the job for him as being the right one.... he simply used Gao's cars to make you think he was the one after that incident then you go and find him as you are doing now" Zhao heard that from the minister was smashed with the harsh reality, he quickly recalled that attack on his house.

Lin jing was investigating about the cars and Shen wei abduction when he found out the truth behind it, he hacked Zhao's dad phone and selected his location, "what the hell is going on, this can't be?" Lin cursed after knowing more about that place. He called for Zhao's men "try to end this as soon as possible, we don't know if Shen wei is gonna be alive until then?", as the special team of Zhao got on to where their boss is being kept, they started their penetration into the Mansion as they are firing narcotic needles on the guards and dogs in all the entrances.

Zhao smiled when the guards got a call for an emergency "Sir you should leave we are being attacked by .." he didn't finish his sentence when Zhao jumped of his seat breaking the handcuffs of his hands and quickly killed the guard with one hand and the other one grabbed the gun in Gao's hand as he kick him hard on his stomach and fired the other two guards at the door being covered with the dead man in his hand, he then threw him on the ground and killed the minister of defence fired his head at the back while he was escaping then turned to face Gao who was laying on the ground covering his face being so scared of Yunlan. In no more than two minutes the house was controlled by Zhao's men. "You are not a normal human, how could you kill the minister with that cold way, don't you think of what will happen later?" Gao said shievering in Zhao's grip. "your the next one if you don't answer my simple question, where is he?" Zhao looked at him with evil eyes directing the gun to his forehead.

"I swear to God I don't know about what you are talking about, it's all your dad's fault" saying that Zhao felt furious and wanted to kill whoever took his man even if it was his dad. "boss, take this" one of his men called him handing him his phone back."Lin any news?" he was eager to know anything that could lead him to Shen wei. "Yunlan I don't think you will like what you gonna hear" Lin said fearing to annouce the news to his boss. "say it" Yunlan shouted. "He is in the department Yunlan.....on their investigation room, and your dad is the one doing the questioning himself" Zhao froze at the spot as he knows that kind of place and when his dad interfers he sure knows that won't end good. Anyone that enters that room never comes alive.

Hello dear readers I am sorry for keeping you wait, I hardly finished this chapter and hardly am finding time to write but I will make sure to update in time both my stories. I hope you like this chapter even if there is no romance in it. 

Happy Ramadan for our friends who are fasting and welcoming the first day of this holly month.


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