Chapter 2

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Shen wei furiously ignored Zhao Question and kept on wondering what is he doing in his house. "I am Zhao yunlan and I work as a security guard for an elite businessman" he sat on the couch while introducing himself gazing at the naked sexy body in front of him "are you gonna stay like that?" asking the silent Wei. "I will go and put some clothes please wait for me" he went to the bathroom wore something and came back to face Zhao. "what brought you here Mr. Zhao?" he asked in confusion. "give me your ID card quickly" he ordered Sen wei with a serious tone.

Shen wei was shocked by the sudden order, he angerly rejected it "No, you re in my house how could you order me around plus I don't know you" he stood from his seat opened the door for him and asked him out. Zhao laughed then stood from his seat getting closer to Shen wei then slamed that door and closed it strongly nearly broke it. "you don't understand when asked nicely do you?" he grabbed his wrist strongly and pressed it hard that Wei moaned in pain "it hurts please le go of me" he sensed his strong grip sure he is not a normal person. Yunlan pulled him very close to him facing each other "Your ID now" he stressed on that sending shiever to Shen wei. " Let me go first" he looked with an innocent but sad eyes.

Yunlan saw his ID card was speechless having the same name as his boss sure there is something going on. He tought that this Shen wei is impersonating his boss for some reason. He remembered his boss words "deal with him but don't hurt him". He took that ID card and put it in his pocket "do you have another one?" asked mokingly getting close to the scared Wei. "what do you mean give it back to me" he reashed his hand to Zhao's pocket. He was pushed away by Zhao as he fell on his hand he screamed of pain "why are you doing this who sent you?" Shen wei was curious and scared never thought he would be living this situation in his life.

"We will be meeting again Xiao wei" he laughed at him then left his house. Shen wei was sitting on the ground crying and shivering, this man scared him madly. He has this weird feelings towards him being too obediant to him weak in front of him "what kind of man is that?" he forgot about his work. Shen wei arrived late to his work and was scolded by his boss and was given so much work as punishement, he could barely concentrate. "want some tea" Wang suggested to him nicely, trying to be nice to him. He took a small breake and drunk tea with her chatting about work and other things he felt happy having a new friend, she was kind and beautiful.

Zhao came to his boss "what kind of joke is that Shen wei??" he asked Yezun. "Did you meet him?" he asked while resting in his bubble bath and covering his eyes, being massaged by the maids sure is living in heaven. Zhao looked to the maid and they left quickly, "who is he?" Zhao asked. "he is someone that would serve as a shield for me, I need to put him in the Interface to keep me safe" he smirked to Yunlan. "you never disapoint me sure you are smart" Yunlan laughed. "don't forget we are declaring war in the near futur we need a very strong plan for now keep on watching him and hide him from the world until I give my orders". "roger" Yunlan answered with satisfaction.

Shen wei finished work and went to have some drinks with his colleagues, they didn't want him to come but Wang insisted on bringing him along. They were toasting and drinking while he was only watching he has weak tolerance of alcohol he never drunk before. "you are no fun Shen wei can't you drink?" one of the man tried to tease him they poured him a big glass of wine mixing it with other strong types of alcohole wanting him to faint from just that to take pictures and spread it at the company to ruin his reputation. "Shen wei drink this" they forced him strongly cornering him from both sides when that glass of alcohol suddenly explode and broke into pieces and was spilled on the table. They were shoked all of them looking at each other and turned to Shen wei "are you a wizard?" they feard him slowely pulled back away from him, they excused themselves to leave taking Wang with them as he remained speechless for what suddenly happened.

"Sir you should pay the bill" your friends said you will be paying for them. he was very scared he doesn't have the amount of money that is written on the bill "What do I do now?" he was confused. The waiter came back took the bill from Shen wei then excused himself and left. He didn't understand a thing until he came to face the scary man coming to him. "watching you being teased by your friends was so funny" Zhao sat facing him. "were you the one who broke the glass, how did you do that?" he asked in a mad voice. Yunlan took out his gun a very unique one "with this" looking to Shen wei terrifying him to the core.

"are you scared?, you re shievering" Zhao asked in a moking tone. "what do you want from me? who are you seriously?" he could hardly spit those words. "me? your shadow from today on". Shen wei stood quickly runing outside trying to escape from Zhao, he took a cab home. As he arrived he found him there sitting comfortable on the couch siping his tea "your late" he said while giving him a sweet smile "you didn't even thank me for the bill" he said again standing trying to get close to him. "leave, you are scaring me" Shen wei was still standing at the entrance. Zhao grabbed him by his waist pulling him close trying to weaken him and fondle him gripping him hard looking directly to his eyes "why don't you come inside and have a nice and sweet conversation humm". Shen wei lost his mind his inner slef surrendered to this strong aura that is caging him in his embrace, he lost his words again and he can only keep gazing to Yunlan's eyes passionatly.

"why does he control me, why am I feeling this weak in front of him" Shen wei tears started to drop from his beautiful eyes while being in Yunlan embrace. Zhao seeing that his heart skipped and beating fast he didn't want to see that side of Shen wei that weaken his soul, he quickly let go of him and went back to his seat. "Listen, I hate crying man this stems from their absolute weakness" Zhao being harsh again. "are you staying here for longue?" he asked after coming inside. "resign from your current job" he looked fierce. "you kidding me right, who the hell are you to intrude on my life and order me around?" he shouted furiously. Yunlan was mad he hates when someone shouts at him, "You never listen do you?" he directed his gun to Shen wei, and shot the wall. the bullet passed so close to his cheek, he felt its speed and hotness.

"Shit I missed the target, shall I try again?" seriously looking to the astonished Shen wei, he froze for a moment and started to feel dizzy.

Shen wei fainted from the shock but was grabbed by Yunlan, he held him in hi arms "sorry that you must see this side of me" he kissed his forehead then put him in his bed.

Hi dear readers sorry if I couldn't answer all your comments that's because am a bit busy, I hope you like the concept of my story. Next chapter will so romantic watch and see.

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