Chapter Twenty-Two

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Author's Note

So I know I said that I wouldn't update this story for a while because I wanted to focus on the other books I'm writing, but I suddenly got over my writing block and needed to write it down before I forgot. So, here is another chapter, but don't expect many more any time soon.

Alright, that's the update! Enjoy :P

Sweat runs down the side of my face and I wipe it away with my sleeve. It feels like I haven't trained in years, but it's only been a couple weeks. The simulated obstacle course is kicking my ass and it's fucking frustrating. How the hell did I get so shitty? I know the answer to that: getting kidnapped, panicing and running home, getting tortured by the people I belong to because they don't believe me and having to gain their trust back doing every menial task they threw at me. God, it was tiring!

Oh shit! An arrow flies towards my head and I just barely manage to dodge it. I really have to start paying more attention. A couple darts fly towards me next and I manage to dodge the first, but manoever my body in such a way that I put it right in the line of contact with the second. Ow! Instead of a loud beep and a short shock to my hip, the dart lodges itself into me.

All of a sudden I'm attacked by three men coming at me from all directions. Ambush! One swings at my head but I move out of the way and hit him in the throat. The other two are harder to fight off and soon I'm on the ground pinned by the two of them.

I manage to free on of my arms and grab at my assailants and somehow pull a mask off one of them. What the hell? The men attacking me are from my own cohort. My arm is pinned down again and as much as I struggle, I'm beaten.

The one I hit in the throat recovered himself and stands above me. He pulls off his mask and reveals that he's my second in command, Gordon Carver.

"So help me, Carver, I will have your head for this!" I yell at him.

He just chuckles at me and runs a hand through his hair. "Whatever, honey. Master may seem to trust you, but I know a traitor when I see one. I'm going to dispose of you before you ever hurt any of us."

"You're insane! Master believes me, and so does everybody else."

"Not everybody. Who do you think asked me to do this? Most of the men. Your precious protectors don't know about this and can't protect you."

Shit! I thought I would be safer coming back here. Damn, was I wrong. I start to struggle more again and scream for help, completely forgetting that we are in a sound proof room. I never understood that, but apparently it's so that anybody training in here wouldn't distrub anybody else. And just my luck, I chose to pick the simulation that tinted the walls dark so nobody could see us either. Shit, shit, shit!

"Don't worry, though, honey. I'm going to make you feel good first before I kill you," he says menacingly before getting on top of me. He holds the sharp edge of a blade against my chin and kiss my lips. I give in to the kiss - because I am still their property after all. He chuckles against my lips then breaks away.

He moves the blade downwards, making sure the cool metal brushes against my neck. I turn my head and face away from him. He cuts my top open, revealing my breasts and teases the nipples with the tip of the blade. He pokes too hard and elicits a mewl from me.

"You like that don't you? You are a slut, and a whore, and a bitch. Being under your command was so demeaning. We're better than you, and yet were forced to take orders from a prostitute."

"Shut up!" I retort. "Please?"

He puts a finger over my lips, effectively quieting me and continues to torture me slowly. He runs the blade over my stomach and hip bones before tearing apart the boxer shorts so I lay naked except for my combat boots.

"This excites you doesn't it? I can see it." He runs a finger up my slit and shows me the glistening juices on it. Damn female bodies for being so responsive! "Don't make a sound or I will beat you before you die."

I'm suddenly flipped over onto the man on my right so I'm on top of him. I struggle against him, but he holds me down with a tight grip around my shoulders. The three men assault all three of my holes at once and punish my body without giving it a chance to accept them all. It's painful, but even though i don't want to feel it, pleasure builds in my stomach and I'm soon at the edge of the abyss.

"Come for us you whore!" and is emphasized by a brutal blow to my ass. I obey the order and come all over the cock inside my pussy. The men groan and one by one release inside me. They all pull out leaving me a mess on the ground. I can barely move as every limb in my body feels like jelly.

Carver extends my right arm and puts a knee on it. He then lifts my chin and puts the blade to my throat once more. The sharp metal starts to cut into my neck a little and the sudden realization that I'm about die overcomes my body and I pass out.

Before blackness consumes my vision, though, I hear shouts and feel the pressure against my body disappear. Somebody craddles my body and tries to coax me back into consciousness, but I'm too far gone and slip into oblivion.

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