Part 17 (NSFW)

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"She sounds like such an annoying ass to deal with." Dabi sighed, getting frustrated for her. "How the hell do you even deal with her?"

Fuyu sighed. "I don't... it's literally only engage with her if I need it. Super annoying cause like... I have wayyyyy better things to do with my time then dah my 't's with a straight line and not try to 'curve it at the end like a teenager'. Like sorry... but the language I am fluent in has curved lines! Ugh!"

"I would have just burned the papers in front of her face and told her to be happy I even turn shit into her." Dabi commented, seeing Fuyu had finished and picked up her items as he made his way to the kitchen once more to clean up.

Fuyu followed behind him, laughing as she started to take out tupperware and put the leftovers into the single box. Enough for her lunch tomorrow, a good lunch to have on her off day. A day she had worked hard for all week and could not wait. As she saw Dabi load their dishes into her dishwasher, she decided to bring it up to him about spending the night and most of tomorrow as well... since she had the time and he usually was never busy with things aside from causing all kinds of trouble.

"So... you got plans tomorrow?" She asked him, pulling her hands around his neck and swinging off of him ever so slightly as he looked at her with a raised brow.

"And why do you ask, my arch nemesis... Alchemist?" He played with her, moving awkwardly and causing her to laugh but hold him closer to her.

"Cause.... I have off tomorrow and wanted my boyfriend to spend the night and maybe much of tomorrow... in bed... with me. You know... our usual weekend plans." She winked to him, seeing a faint blush on his cheeks and smirk at the proposition of what she wished to do with him.

"Well... as nice as that sounds... I'm afraid I can only accept your offer for tonight." Dabi breathed slowly. For once... that hand freak wants me to actually meet up with him. Apparently to 'check my work' and some other bullshit."

Fuyu pulled away slowly, looking at Dabi with worry in her eyes. "Should I... be worried?"

Dabi shook his head. "No. He may seem like some evil genius... but the man is a mother fucking idiot... and a child underneath it all."

"You sure sound confident in your leader." Fuyu giggled again. "Now... since you can only spend the night then, shall we clean up and then get the real fun started."

She winked towards him, making the villain crack yet another smirk and then allowed his hands to travel south from her waist to her rear. Pressing a rather warm hand against her and then letting his lips plants all sorts of lingering kisses to her face and neck.

"Dishes cleaned first, Touya." Fuyu reminded him as she started to run warm water. "Then you can do whatever you want with me... and I might even be willing to try that thing you were talking about last time."

Seeing his eyes light up at the mention of his latest curiosity and desire of being brought into the bedroom, he knew to do as she said and started to clean the dishes right away as Fuyu dried. Dabi speaking lightly about how Shigaraki was the worse boss but if Stain saw something in him he'd keep sticking around until he saw it himself.

Fuyu hummed, mentioning how he'd run a better Stain lovers league then the creepy man ever could. Dabi laughing and saying how he wasn't the leader type, let alone a group player. The convo ending suddenly as the sink was turned off and the last dish was placed into the rack to dry.

Dabi looked over to her, and Fuyu smiled, looking at him with a nod. Her consent for him to get started and to dominate her once more in bed making him inwardly smirk, while his eyes held a dark but lustful gaze for her. The look making Fuyu shiver but not fight back as Dabi lifted her with ease as he carried her to the bedroom, flicking off the lights in the living room as they went about toward the room where they would be spending most of their time together until morning came now.

Retention (Dabi x OC - Commissioned OC Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz