"Now father," Minerva soothed, "there is no need to get violent."

The black-haired woman's eye twitched at the word father, but no one noticed. Jiemma sat down in his thrown and glared at the two before him.

"We only have a few questions," the black-haired woman stated.

"We will answer them," Minerva nodded.

"Can you give descriptions of these boys?" the man asked cocking his head dangerously.

"Both were relatively tall. One was blonde, he had blue eyes and a scar over his eyebrow," Minerva began.

"Left or right eyebrow?" the man asked.

"I'm not sure," Minerva answered coolly.

"Someone was with them," another voice chuckled. They all looked back to see the redhead on the floor studying a piece of light blue hair.

"Someone accompanied them?" The woman asked.

"Yukino," Jiemma answered.

"Last name?" the man asked.

"Agria," Minerva answered.

"Oh no, that can't be her name," the redhead giggled madly smelling the hair while still on the floor, "she's got dragon in her blood..."

"Another Dragon Slayer!?" the black-haired woman gawked.

"No," the redhead sighed rolling on the floor until she was upside down, "a decedent... It's a familiar scent and I'll figure it out."

"Do, quickly," the black-haired woman ordered.

"Is there anything else you need?" Minerva asked, "We can all offer descriptions and tell you of what happened."

"No," the man answered coldly, "We have a lead."

"But, they can help us with one last thing," the redhead giggled, "isn't that right Minerva." She clicked her tongue as she spoke and laughed watching Minerva hungrily.

"My colleague is correct, for it has come to my realization," the black-haired one said softly, she turned to Minerva and studied her, "that you are the firstborn."

Jiemma and Minerva both froze.

"Now how you avoided capture and have spent so long unnoticed I do not know," the woman continued walking up to Minerva, "but I'm afraid that ends today."

"You won't-" Minerva began. The brown-haired man raised his hand and Minerva collapsed on the floor; asleep.

"You will leave her be," Jiemma ordered standing up, "She will further my bloodline."

The red-haired girl jumped to her feet and walked up to the black-haired girl gazing at Jeimma her fingers flexing, a knife slowly sliding out of her sleeve

"Perhaps," the black-haired woman nodded, "but you will not live to see it."

The red-haired girl smiled and Jiemma got a sound out before there was a knife in his throat. The man fell to the floor; dead. The red-haired girl grinned and began scouring the guildhall looking for something.

"Help me with her," the black-haired woman demanded of the man.

The brown-haired man walked over and put Minerva over his shoulder like a sack.

The rest of the guild watched in cold horror.

"I found something!" the red-haired girl announced holding up a piece of bloodstained cloth. "One of them had a wound and it stained their enemies clothes."

"Can you locate them?" the other woman asked.

"Of course," the redhead chuckled.

"Then let us go," the black-haired woman nodded, "we will drop the woman off at the local soldier barracks and they will take it from there."

Three men in the back looked up; Dobengal, Orga, and Rufus. They remembered Sting's words, a criminal who stood fearlessly against these monsters.

'Treat each other like family.'

There was a moment of silence but all three men knew that they were thinking the same thing.

"Wait," Dobengal stated standing up and walking up to the three.

"Yes?" the woman asked.

Without warning Dobengal punched her, breaking her nose. She stumbled back and was then kicked in the stomach making her fall back. The brown-haired man lifted his free hand but was punched by Orga's black lightning fist. Rufus rushed in and caught Minerva as the other man fell.

"Siery!" the black-haired woman yelled holding her bleeding nose; the red-head was nowhere to be seen. "Damn you Siery.... trying to steal the glory for yourself."

The black-haired woman stood and faced the three men, knowing she was about to lose.

Outside the redhead skipped down the trail following her tracking sense. She hummed a tune to herself as she skipped along.

"Three little birdies in a big tree. On calls out Tee-Hee Tee-Hee. The king swoops in and out again and now only two birds are in the tree."

She continued skipping as she sang.

"Two little birdies in a big tree. One calls out Tee-hee, Tee-Hee. The king swoops in and out again and the one left in the tree Tee-Hees."

She smiled as she sang the last verse and listened to the magic explosion above her in the Sabertooth guildhall. She fingered the piece of clothing and the sliver of light blue hair.

"The one little birdied in the big tree is now respected by the king, she does his will for she is free, and kills all those who Tee-Hee Tee-Hee!"

And so she giggled madly and continued down her path following the scent of three mages. Three humans descended from dragons. The Dragon King should be pleased.

The Tail of the Twin DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now