Chapter Forty Six: Bandages

Start from the beginning

"I won't," I said simply. "Where's Adrian?"

Ash glanced up as if he'd just remembered. "Oh, oh yeah. He's in the living room with some other person. His roommate or something."


I moved over so that my legs were over the side of the bed. "Did you tell him about the 'Chosen' thing yet? And is he it?"

Ash shook his head. "He knows about the Chosen thing, but he doesn't know that we're it. I haven't asked him if he's the Earth's Chosen yet."

I nodded.

"Maybe it's time to find out."

With Ash's help, I managed to stand and slowly make my way to the door. I picked up my items on the way, rolling my eyes when he insisted on holding my satchel. He shot me a quick look when I reached my hand forward for the doorknob, warning me. 

Even breathing hurt, but it was bearable.

I turned the knob, stepping into the 'living room.' Adrian was at the table, sitting across from a girl about our age. I hesitantly waved.

Adrian caught sight of me and grinned back. "Hey. Finally awake?"

Guilt washed over me like a tide. How am I supposed to tell him that his brother died?

How am I supposed to tell him that it was my fault?

"Yeah." My voice came out scratchy and I cleared my throat. I nodded to the other girl. "Hey."

She nodded back politely but sat slouched in her chair. "Hi. Adrian's told me about you."

I glanced at him. "He has?"

Adrian coughed. "I should probably introduce you guys. Mel, this is Trista. Trista, this is Melody. Trista's my girl."

I barely covered a shocked look. Since when did he get a girlfriend?

"We met at the post-Ceremony festival at the town square," Adrian clarified. He knew me too well.

Ash caught our attention. "Hi, I'm Ash. Okay moving on. We need to talk. Preferably alone."

Adrian understood and sent an apologetic smile to Trista. "Would you mind stepping out for a while? Sorry, but some weird kinds of stuff been happening lately. I can fill you in later."

Trista returned the smile. "Sure. I'll be outside."

Once she'd left, I commented to Adrian absent-mindedly, "You've never liked anyone that much before. What's up?"

He sent me a dorky grin and I knew he wasn't faking his affection. "She's just...she's great."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, spare me."

Ash was shaking with silent laughter but quickly schooled his face into submission. His eyes were still glittering with mirth when he asked, "Alright, so I'm going to be blunt with this --"

Adrian pointed a finger and mimed shooting. "Come at me."

"-- but what kind of weird stuff's been happening?" Ash finished.

He thought for a moment. "Off of the top of my head, I can say that these shadowy things have been patrolling around the perimeter of the town. Our tribe leader's been trying to get rid of them but whenever anyone gets close, they vanish. People are hearing whispers about these element wielding bunch of people. And apparently, they're from the Lupine, Avian, and Feline so far. The last visitors said they're heading for the Serpentine next. I'm not too worried though."

I heard nothing about the Lupine's destruction and the Feline attack. The leaders must've been keeping it under their hats as to not cause mass panic.

And I don't know what happened to the Avians either. When I tried to bring it up with Ash, he clearly looked in pain and I dropped the subject.

I ventured to ask a question. "Do you know who the three people were and why they're coming here?"

Adrian shook his head. "No clue. I just know that there's a grey wolf, raven, and lion in the group."

Nodding, I couldn't help but ask, "What do you think of these people?"

He shrugged. "As long as they're not trying to hurt people I think it's all good. I'm not sure about the element thing though. It's a bit far fetched."

Understandable. But that meant news hadn't really spread yet. And the tribes had to be prepared if they were going to survive the next attack.

Should we tell him? I asked Ash silently, prayed that he'd understand.

He shook his head. Not yet. now what?

Ash took over. "Alright so since there's one from three tribes already, it makes sense that there'd be a guy from the Serpentine, right?"


"Who do you think the person is?"

Adrian shrugged indifferently again. "Dunno. I've never really believed in the higher up deities. They've never helped us out."

I looked over at Ash. So was he the Earth's Chosen or not?

Ash glanced down and thought. He shook his head and lifted his shoulders. I don't know.

Frustrated, I stood. "I'm gonna be outside for a bit. It's hot in here."

"Yeah, sure," Adrian said sheepishly. "That's what comes with living in a swamp."

Ash picked up the conversation as I left, keeping Adrian from becoming too suspicious. Their voices faded away as I found the door and opened it to the outside.

I breathed in the humid air, trying to calm my racing heart.

Adrian's backyard was tiny. It only consisted of a tiny, wilting tree and a standing swing chair. The grass was basically drowning in puddles of water splashed everywhere. At the corner of the house, a spiderweb glistened with drops of dew. The sun was still partially covered by clouds, meaning that shadows dappled over the surroundings.

How many more days until the competition?

And how many more lives would be lost before we stopped the Predators?

That brought me to a pause.

How do we stop them anyway?

I had no clue. Why hadn't I thought about this before?

Just focus on healing, then do whatever. I can't help anyone unless I take care of myself first.

I flicked out a finger, making a puddle of water swirl around. Another wave of regret passed over.

If only I could've done this before. No one would've died in the Lupine camp. If I was more powerful, no one would've died at all.

Raising my finger, I made the water rise in a little orb and spun it through the air.

Then I heard a choked voice behind me.


I turned so quickly that my neck hurt.

Adrian was staring at me with his mouth open. 

Or more importantly, he was staring at the orb of water that was still prancing around mid-air.

(Side Note: ... What do you think Adrian's reaction is going to be? Any thoughts on Ash or Melody?)

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