Chapter Seventeen: Only Like the Fifth Strangest Thing

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There's a moment of awkward silence before Harry speaks again. "Nico, mate, it's a figure of speech."

"Boys! Come on! We have to go!"

"Right." Harry nods. He pushes open the cupboard door.

"If anyone's looking out that window-" Hermione gets interrupted.

"We'll run for it." Harry sounds determined. "Straight into the forest, alright? We'll have to hide behind a tree or something and keep a lookout."

Harry takes off at a sprint, Hermione and I quickly following. In the shadows of the trees, I felt at home, but cold, whispers surrounding me from the dark. The whispering I had grown familiar with during my quest with the Athena Parthenos. Hermione is panting.

"Right." She gasps. "We need to sneak over to Hagrid's. Keep out of sight."

As we made our way along the edge of the forest, we hear a knock at Hagrid's door. We watch ourselves from behind an oak tree.

"This is the weirdest thing we've ever done." Harry whispers as we, past, current we, other we? Get brought into Hagrid's hut.

"Only about fifth for me." Harry gives me a strange look at my statement.

While Hermione scolds Harry about wanting to grab the rat, I spot Dumbledore, the executioner, and who I assume is the minister.

"Hermione." I call quietly. She looks over, paling. As if moving by instinct, she grabs a stone from the ground and throws it. The stone shatters a pot inside the hut.

I let out a breath of a laugh, impressed. "Nice throw."


I grab another one of the rocks. I can see myself turn around to look out the window and I launch the rock directly at myself.

Past-but-technically-now me ducks, and it hits Harry in the back of the head. I smirk, feeling strangely proud as the Harry beside me rubs the back of his head.

We see Ron, Harry, and Hermione rush out of the door, it closing with Nico... Me... Still inside.

"Guys, move back a bit." The two follow my instruction, moving just barely deeper into the forest.

Just in time, too. I watch myself fall out of the shadows, wisps clinging to my body, or maybe that's me dissolving.

"Nico...? How did you do that?" Hermione stares at the me that is stumbling out of the forest.

"Not important."

Past/now Nico stumbles out of the forest, and the trio helps him up the hill as they retreat. Inside the hut, execution formalities are being read.

"Wait here." Harry whispers, stealthily moving towards the winged creature. He approaches slowly, bowing respectfully to him, and then starts untying the thick rope holding him. Harry has to tug on the rope, and I was getting ready to just pull him back into the forest, when Buckbeak finally starts walking.

Luckily, Dumbledore has the executioner sign the form as well, giving Harry just enough time to lead Buckbeak into the cover of the trees. We all freeze, keeping as silent as possible. Even the Hippogriff seemed to sense the urgency and kept still.

Outraged cries come from the general direction of Hagrid's garden. The executioner's axe make a thud, sounding like he had attempted to murder a fence post.

"Gone! Gone! Bless his little beak, he's gone! Musta pulled himself free! Beaky, yeh clever boy!" Hagrid's loud celebration must have been heard all the way back at the castle.

After the debacle has settled down, we retreat further back into the forest, until the whomping willow was in view. And then we waited.

"There's Ron!" Harry exclaims after a while of waiting. The redhead was indeed sprinting across the lawn, and the lunges.

"Gotcha! Get off, you stinking cat-"

Then Sirius comes, dragging our friend away. The tree starts swinging, smacking Harry and Hermione each. I wince in sympathy. I dive under the branches, sliding into hole.

"Nice." Hermione hisses. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

"America. Sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Long story."

She nods in not understanding, but in acceptance.

Then Lupin and Snape, one after the other, slip into the hollow after prodding the knot.

"And now we wait." I settle down on the ground, the wait making me uncomfortable already.

My thoughts wander. I wonder how reconstruction is doing with the camps. The war really damaged everything. And Jason will be busy preparing things for new temples for the gods. Good luck to him. Maybe Percy and Annabeth were healing together, healing from the pit.

Maybe Will Solace was still tending to the more badly injured demigods. I smile lightly at the though of him. We had grown into somewhat of friends during my three days in the infirmary, though I still believe they were unnecessary.

Ugh. This was taking too long. I should stretch. Are forests always this annoying? There goes a bird. Was it a robin, maybe? Oh. There's a good stick.

I get up, grabbing the stick. It's more like a large branch, perfect for using in place of my sword. The tree is my opponent, and I start attacking.

Slice, slice, dodge, block, stab, slice, and so on.

I could feel eyes on me, and looked over at my shoulder. I spot Hermione watching intently, seeming to take in my every move. She looked like the new campers watching Percy or Annabeth instruct. Harry was just staring off into space. So...

I guess we're waiting.

1325 words

An explanation is owed.

I typed a lot in May. But I forgot to save it and much of the chapter was deleted. Every time I opened the chapter afterwards just made me sad. So here we are! New chapter! Thanks for reading!

Peace out matchsticks!


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