✓ Sick

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Jeongyeon woke up the blaring of her alarm clock, she turns to see a bodiless pristine pink folded blanket on Momo's side of the bed. The brunette got used to waking up to a presence in the room, so waking up alone is not something she would like to get used to. Jeongyeon sighs in disappointment but got up to get herself ready for the day.

Jeongyeon walks into the dining room to find Momo, Chaeyoung, and Mina already sitting around the table eating. "Morning", Jeongyeon said as she sits in front of Momo. Momo throughout breakfast didn't make eye contact with Jeongyeon, Mina and Chaeyoung are too absorbed with each other to notice the awkwardness of the blonde and brunette.

Jeongyeon feels a jolt of pain, her face scrunches clutching her stomach, 'shit ... period pains', Jeongyeon didn't want anyone to notice her in pain so she tries to be discrete. Jeongyeon feels funny, her nose feels, "HAAACHU!", she sneezed, surprising everyone at the table.

"Damn hyung ... I thought there's an ajusshi with us", Chaeyoung smirks, teasing her taller girl as she wipes her running nose.

After sneezing, Jeongyeon feels a headache coming on, she cups her head in her hands, "I ... I don't think I can go to school ... too heavy", she said leaving the dining room to her room. Chaeyoung frowns watching her hyung walk slowly out the door, but she know Jeongyeon doesn't like it when people baby her when she's sick, she doesn't like to seem weak in front of anyone. So the small bean leaves her alone.

Jeongyeon feels her body shake and chills run down. She didn't even finish her breakfast, because she lost her appetite halfway. She changes out her uniform to something more comfortable and warm, she lays in bed and drapes her arm on her eyes to block the light. "It can't get any worse, think positively-",Jeongyeon said until a bolt of light goes through the window, the sound of lighting comes after and it started to pour hard. "Well ... you like to prove me wrong, mother nature".

A few seconds later, the door cracks slowly open, Momo not knowing why her feet walked up the stairs and telling Chaeyoung to leave without her. The blonde comes in the room and sees Jeongyeon laying in bed, Momo walks up to the brunette and puts a thermometer in her mouth. Jeongyeon opens her eyes and about ready to punch whoever came in and put a foreign object in her mouth. She sees blonde looking down at her and she sighs in relief to know it's just Momo.

"39.9", Momo reads the thermometer after it beeps. She walks around the room to turn on the air conditioner to keep the brunette's body cool. "I'll be right back", Momo said. Jeongyeon smiles thinking Momo will be taking care of her. Momo comes back with cold water in a basin with towels. She sat beside Jeongyeon in bed.

Momo leans close to the sick girl holding a cold wet towel to put on her forehead. Jeongyeon notices Momo is still wearing her uniform skirt, she moves her blanket over the blonde's thighs. "What are you doing?", Momo asks when she sees a blue blanket over her legs.

"The room's cold, so I'm covering you", Jeongyeon explains looking up at Momo with her innocent eyes.

Momo tries not to smile but fails in the end, "I'll be right back, I'm going to change", Momo said brushing Jeongyeon's bangs away from her sweaty forehead.

Jeongyeon surprise by Momo's plan. "Wait ... what about school?".

Momo looks back over her shoulder, "somebody needs to take care of the baby".

Jeongyeon sulks at being called a baby, but she can't help to feel giddy to hear Momo will be staying home for her. She starts sneezing again, "aigo poor you", Momo said as she looks through her clothes to wear for the day.

"Okay, just put on a face mask-", Jeongyeon mumbles, "so you won't get sick", Momo barely heard the brunette because she's facing away from the blonde.

Young Love - Part 1 [ JEONGMO | MICHAENG ]Where stories live. Discover now