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Jeongyeon's phone is blaring.

Momo stares at the vibrating phone on Jeongyeon's bedside table, judging the brunette taste in music. Jeongyeon grumbles to silence her alarm clock.

"What kind of alarm was that?", Momo voices her judgment to Jeongyeon.

"Shut up Princess", Jeongyeon sit up and rubs her sleepy eyes. She sees Momo finishing brushing her blonde hair in the mirror, "damn ... you THAT excited for school?", she raises her eyebrows at Momo. In return, Momo just politely smiles and leaves the room.

Jeongyeon grudgingly starts her morning school routine. She fixes her tie in the mirror, frustrated unable to get it right she leaves it messily hanging on her neck and grabs her school bag before leaving the room for breakfast. Seungyeon sees her sister stretching her hands over her head and yawning out to go downstairs. She smacks her hand over Jeongyeon's mouth, "cover your mouth, cover your mouth, COVER YOUR MOUTH". Jeongyeon startled by the foreign hand over her is finally wide awake. She's about to get payback to Seungyeon by licking her hand off her mouth, but her older sister is faster. Seungyeon backhands Jeongyeon's forehead.

"YAH! Aish ...", Jeongyeon rubs her, now, red forehead with her hands, "you are so annoying and YOU tell me to be CIVIL, you're the barbarian here!" Seungyeon just glares at her as she walks down the stairs to the dining room.

"Good morning Momo", Seungyeon smiles towards Momo who smiles back towards Seungyeon. Jeongyeon walks in a few seconds after Seungyeon. Only Momo, Seungyeon, and Jeongyeon are present at home, Aya and Chanyoung already left for the airport for their mysterious early flight to Japan. Momo and Jeongyeon ignored each other.

"Momo, would you like a ride to school?", Seungyeon asks because she knows Momo doesn't know directions yet to school.

"No it's okay unnie, thank you. I'm thinking about taking the bus from here, I looked up directions already beforehand. Plus I've got my phone if I'm ever lost", Momo smiles at Seungyeon, who in return is startled by how eager and prepared Momo is.

'Wow ... the complete and total opposite of Jeongyeon', Seungyeon thought as Momo excuses herself to start her journey to school.

Jeongyeon ignores Momo leaving, she takes her time with her breakfast but she feels Seungyeon staring at her. Jeongyeon looks up to Seungyeon and raises her eyebrows, "take care of her at school okay Jeongyeon?", Seungyeon asks, more like politely demanding.

Jeongyeon rolls her eyes but answers, "yeah yeah ... got it sis-", she wipes her mouth, "got to go, see ya later", Jeongyeon smirks as she turns to leave the room. Jeongyeon rides her bike to school, as she turns a corner she sees Momo walking down the road. Momo's hands grabbing the straps of her backpack and eyes wandering each scenery she walks by. Jeongyeon sees passerby smiling at Momo. Jeongyeon pedals faster to pass Momo, she smiles as she passes, but Momo keeps her head high ignoring the cocky Jeongyeon.

Momo finally takes a window seat on the bus. Her eyebrows scrunched as she put her headphones in, she's worried about meeting new people, making new friends, and the culture shock. 'Give me strength Papa', she watches the blue bright sky as the bus rolls to her stop.

"You would think the principal would suggest a friendly student to guide me through these halls", Momo is irritated she's thrown in the unknown by herself. She looks aimlessly at the number outside each door for her classroom. "He said class 3-1 ... where is-".

"Can I help you?", Momo is startled by a new voice behind her, "wow chill chill".

Momo bows to the newcomer, "oh I'm sorry! You scared me ... um ... annyeonghaseyo, I- I'm just looking for cl- class 3-1".

Young Love - Part 1 [ JEONGMO | MICHAENG ]Where stories live. Discover now