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Shout out to my friends and family , love you guys!
And credit to my friend, Jelena who helped with the many different Languages , including German and Lee-Yoon for the Lithuanian.

Warning! Those who are reading this must know that whichever language the main character is speaking will be translated into English, however , any other languages spoken at the time will be kept in their original state, for example: the main character is speaking in German, so that means everyone else who is speaking in German will be translated into English, however if someone is speaking French, they will not be translated into English. Sadly my software still has some translation issues. Now, logging off and good wishes.


Long ago, this land was clean and peaceful ;there were no wars, the sky was clear, and the air was free from radiation. Sadly, times like these wouldn't last, as World War 3 loomed it's ugly head over the horizon. The Americans , the Russians , the Chinese and their allies all at war, creating machines and genetically modified beasts to fight in this god forsaken war. Eventually, the world was cleansed in nuclear fire, every nation, Mad, M.A.D. This is the world I grew up in, this world took my family and any normal life I would've had. I am Katya "Yekaterina " Volkova.

Katya's eyes shot open, she had fallen asleep again, what should she expect from little to no sleep in a matter of 2 days? The young girl shook her head, slowly standing up , her teal-turquoise uniform was covered with dust and dirt, dulling its color, the same could be said about her dark grey pants. Where was she again? Austria. Hm..yes what was formerly known as Austria. Her companion? M'ya was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, she heard a voice: Warning, hostile entities detected. Warning! Katya glanced down, it was just her gun. Her gun was a prototype sniper rifle with an AI in it, however, the AI couldn't control the shooting mechanism on the gun, but could scan for enemies nearby and notify you when you needed to reload the gun. She preferred just to call the thing "1.0" , which was what was on a piece of paper when she found the damn thing.  Katya soon scanned her surroundings, she was on an old-war fighting machine. A plane. A big one too, she was surprised that the thing could still hover and fly due to its size. Soon after , Katya grabbed her belongings, before placing her gas mask over her scarred face, her green eyes glaring through eye openings. She wasn't one to allow people to see her appearance, and in all honesty, she was unsure how to describe her appearance to others. She had short, chin length and straight black hair with green, almond shaped eyes, pale skin, along with a large scar going across her face and she looked vaguely Asian. Something like that. She shook her head once more, she had no time to dwell on her thoughts at the moment, she needed to go!

Katya clenched onto the sniper rifle, as she found herself struggling to climb down from the rust and snow covered airplane, each step slippery and cautiously. However, it wasn't long before Katya began to hear voices , human ones this time, and speaking German. She glanced back, soon spotting the three beings that the sniper rifle had found nearby, the people she had been running away from, these damn,  Austrian cannibals. One cannibal had disappeared from her sight, possibly it was their leader or, maybe a scout of some sort. The other two were climbing up the plane, trying to reach her as quickly as possible. All of them wore torn and strewn clothing, some of them being both military and casual. They wore helmets strewn with metals atop, along with some metals on their uniforms. They had arrived here by their motorcycles, smaller, quicker vehicles, that were also from the old world . Their motorcycles seemed to resemble that of medieval horses that were once ridden by knights , armored with steel to protect their most important parts and some pointed rust to help them joust their enemies. They had flags and symbols painted on them ,most likely that of the despicable tribe they were a part of, those motor-horses.

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