Shout Outs Behind The Scenes

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The Summer Zodiac Awards team is always looking for participants who bring positive vibes to the Summer Zodiac community! Each and every action you take in this awards book is well-documented by the team - we are always watching! That being said, we'd like to give the following special participants recognition for bringing the awards book to where it is now!


NickfEast - Veteran Summer Zodiac participant! Thanks for sticking with us since the very beginning! 

GoddessV - first participant to reply to this awards book!

avadel - ultimate tagger, tagging over 160 people when we needed help! 

sassyclassydiva and SummerRoyJoanis - had the most lively conversation in the comments!

Animal Farm:

NickfEastcataclysmicalSmokeAndOrangesNatalieh_GreenePenNameCrystalVibe, and SorrowfulQuill

Glad you all noticed that the password spells out the title Animal Farm! We highly recommend that book to all readers!

Good Luck Vibes:

stucknreverseEmptyHopes_, and Arkotract

For sending good luck vibes to a fellow participant! We welcome the sportsmanship!

Squeals and good luck!

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