Looking For New Awards?

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Squeals, fellow readers and participants!

If you're looking for more awards to enter, the Authentic Skulls Awards 2019 is currently open, hosted by the fabulous Skull Queens JannyClark and MichelleManisha! It is a uniquely run awards book and we highly encourage you to check them out (they're currently still open)! The Realm of Skulls awaits you!

That being said, there are ten days left until the submission deadline (May 18)! All categories are still OPEN. However, we require that each category have at least 10 participants (that number might change). The categories listed below are currently in the safe zone (10 participants or more)!

1. Fantasy

2. Romance

The categories listed below are currently in the close zone (almost there)!

1. Mystery/Thriller

2. Short Story

The categories listed below are currently in the danger zone (especially the underlined ones)!

1. General Fiction 

2. Poetry

3. Action/Adventure

4. Vampire/Werewolf

5. Fanfiction

6. Science Fiction

7. Horror

If you know any people who might be interested in participating, tag them here! Only TEN DAYS until the deadline, comrades!

Squeals and good luck!

Piggyback Summer 2019 Awards [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now