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chapter 3

"wow what's this, suddenly you can walk?" jeno sat beside the tanned male who was busy admiring this one person from afar.

donghyuck glared at him when he suddenly blocked his view. "what is it now, jeno?" he asked, irritated. he was just looking at mark the whole day and jeno just had to interrupt his only schedule. "and for your information, i can walk. not as fast as you guys could but it still counts." he rolled his eyes.

"why are you here anyways?" the guy with crescent eyes asked.

"i don't wanna be alone in the dorm." donghyuck said plainly. he looked at mark once again who was busy talking to taeyong, jaemin, and the others.

the other male looked at what donghyuck was looking at. he saw that the younger was looking at mark, who was at the other side of the practice room. "why are you always looking at mark-hyung?"

donghyuck scoffed. "you always look at jaemin and you don't hear anything from me." he rolled his eyes. "and mind you, it's not like i'm not allowed to look at him. he's my boyfriend, in case you've forgotten."

it was jeno's turn to roll his eyes, "he's your boyfriend and yet you let him talk to anyone like that?" they looked at mark who was now talking to a girl, whonwas one of their back-up dancers.

donghyuck hissed at the other guy and pushed him away from him. "i'm having a great time watching all of you here alone, i don't need you here. get lost." he glared at him. it was just a normal sight to see, if someone sees them pushing each other harshly.

he isn't that type of a boyfriend who would monitor his partner 24/7. he also doesn't cling onto his partner, as if he would disappear. and he is also not the type of person who would limit his partner from talking to anybody.

he trusts mark, and mark trusts him. they love each other, that's what's important.

he watched his hyungs and dongsaengs suffer out of boredom during their break time. he suddenly felt sad, not being able to dance and go to practice with them. he might be in the practice room, but the feeling isn't the same.

"is anything bothering you?" donghyuck looked st the person beside him and saw mark smiling at him. he was too busy with his thoughts that he didn't even notice his boyfriend beside him.

he slowly shook his head as a no. afraid that he might say something that would disappoint the older.

"you can't lie to me, hyuck. come on, tell me what's bothering you." mark said.

donghyuck sighed, "i wanna dance with you guys... so bad..."

seeing the younger looking down with his face sad made mark's heart ache. he doesn't want to see his sunshine looking all gloomy. donghyuck isn't like this. he's usually positive, and is the one spreading positive energy. the donghyuck in front of him is jut far from his old self.

"hey... don't be sad..." mark said, lifting donghyuck's chin using his index finger. "look, you're about to cry again..." he said, wiping the tears that were forming in his eyes.

"hyung, i-i'm sorry if i'm being... a burden t-to all of you..." donghyuck said.

the older hugged him and let him cry on his chest. he didn't know that his injury would make him this upset. "love, you aren't a burden to anyone, okay?" he cupped the younger's cheeks as he kissed his forehead. "remember that."

seeing donghyuck nod made him smile. he patted the younger's head and chuckled, "good. because i don't want my sun looking gloomy."

"y-your sun?" donghyuck asked, his eyes still glossy.

mark nodded, "mhm. you're my full sun, hav ruou forgotten?"

that made donghyuck smile. "i did not..." he said, looking down, feeling embarrassed.

mark heard taeyong call him. sighing, he stood up. he bent down to match the younger's height as he planted a kiss on his nose. "wait for me here and just wach us practice, okay?"

donghyuck nodded and gave mark's hand a tight squeeze. "good luck, i love you."

"i love you more." mark pecked his forehead before running towards the others who were getting into their respective places.


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