Chapter 15: Bad Nights

Start from the beginning

Dad stared at me longingly. I didn't wait for an answer and walked towards the stairs. I looked back and noticed Dad still sitting. He looked down at his suit. I glared. I turned him back around towards me with a wave of my hand. He rolled his eyes. He nodded with his hands up in defence.

"Alright... I guess I can sleep..." He stood up and made his way towards me. I walked up the stairs. I heard him clap off the lights. I walking into my room and grabbed an extra blanket and pillow. I placed them on the bed. I'm going to make it look like I'm sleeping on the bed too, but I'm not. I have to stay up... to keep the dreams at bay. I know I should sleep too, but I want Dad to sleep. He deserves it. Dad walked into my room and throw himself onto my bed like a child. I rolled my eyes. He took one side and I took the other. He sat cross cross, waiting for me. I turned to face him and closed my eyes.

"Don't fight it." Was all I said as I waved my hands. I felt heat in my hands. I connected with Dad. I looked through his mind and found his memories. His dreams. I tinkered with them so he couldn't see them. Dad gasped.

"What are you doing!?" He asked panicked. I smirked as I pulled away. I'm still connected to him. I have to be in order for the dreams to stay put. His eyes widened as he stared at me. I raised an eyebrow.


"I could feel something. I felt whatever you did..." he shuddered. I stood up and pointed to the bed.

"Sleep." I demanded with a stern look. He just rolled his eyes and laid back. I turned the light out. The only light was from the Christmas lights I had hanging up around the room. I... I was scared of the dark. I know it's funny, but I can't be in the dark. Or electric things. Like that electric stick dad poked Bruce with... those freak me out. I don't know why. Maybe something in my past? I sat down on my bed. I laid back. I wasn't going to sleep though.

"You know... I think I do have an idea on how much I mean to you. I care about you a ton. Same with Pep. You two have changed me, for the better. You two taught me that I'm not alone. I love Pepper. She has been with me from the very start. And you, I love you too Hope." His voice echoed in my room. I smiled.

"Well, I love you... and I hope you don't forget that..." I whispered softly. He chuckled. He hummed as his breathing became slow and even. He's asleep. I laid there for a few minutes. I feel like that phrase means more then it seems. I stood up and grabbed my phone and head phones. My phone was different then the normal Stark phone. Dad made one just for me. Which is awesome!

I walked out the door. I went into the living room. I laid down on the couch. I rested my arm behind my head. I opened my phone and went onto Instagram. I had 29.7 million followers. I post pictures of Dad, Pepper, and I together. I sometimes post some with Happy, but he thinks I shouldn't because it's not professional. I rarely post videos of Dad and I in our suits. And some... embarrassing videos of Dad. I have the video of when he first started building his foot thrusters. He flew into the wall and Dum-E extinguished him. He wasn't even on fire. I chuckled softly as I remembered.

I follow about 30 people. All celebrities. Like Kelvin Heart. He's funny as hell! Bastian San, I loved him in the movie "I, Sonya"! He looks like someone I've met before, but if I met him, I wouldn't forget. He's tied as my Celebrity crush. I mean, how can you not love this man. He's the whole package! He is such a meme too! He's so childish! Handsome! I also follow Dad's look alike, Roberto dowey Jr. He looks so much like Dad it's crazy! And Timothy Huddleston... he's my celebrity crush! He's frickin' perfect! A pure gentleman, handsome, kind, generous, handsome, secretly a bad boy, wouldn't hurt a fly, and did I mention Handsome! He looks like Loki... Loki's hot too. The world doesn't deserve him! I just... I just can't. You have no idea how much I secretly freaked out when I met him. Oh my god!

"Jesus... I need to stop..." I chuckled as I turned off my phone. I silently squealed as I remembered when I met Huddleston. He so polite compared to all the other boys I know. I felt a pain in my head. I groaned lightly as I placed my head on my forehead. I felt something trying to push against the barrier to Dad, but I pushed it away. Nope! Not tonight! I curled up as I opened my phone up again. I connected my wireless head phones to my phone. I turned on my music and pressed shuffle. I smiled as I started to move to the beat.


Hail, (hail)
What's the matter with you head?
Yea aah

Hail, (hail)
What's the matter with your mind and your sign?
An a oh oh oh

Hail, (hail)
Nothin' the matter with you head baby find it, come on and find it

With it baby cause your fine
And your mine
And ya look so divine

Come and get your love
Come and get your love
Come and get your love
Come and get your love


This song just makes me wanna dance! I don't know why, but this song seems so familiar. Like it means more then I know. I moved my head to the beat of the song with a smile. The next song came on.


Stinkin' rich!

She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
What a sweet surprise

Taste so good
Make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie


I stood up and played my amazing air guitar. There's no way I'm sleeping tonight! I banged my hands to the beat as I held onto my air drumsticks. I smiled as I lip synced the words. I learned to love Dad's songs. Right now, I'm in the zone. I thought of that vine where this guys in the shower. He's like, I don't sing in the shower, I perform. Even though I'm not in the shower, I thought of it. Time to start a world tour.

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