The Death of Two Heroes

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At the exit of Wall Rose, people were fighting. A merchant was obstructing the path with his oversized cargo.  A Titan came toward the crowd at an enormous speed. Then just in the nick of time Mikasa arrives and ends the Titan's life. 

Mikasa's point of view......

As I remove my sword from the corpse of the dead Titan. I look at the scene in front of me. "Excuse me, what is all this", I ask.

"Couldn't ask for better timing, force these worthless morons to push my wagon, I'll pay you handsomely", said the old fat merchant in front of me. 

"Seriously. Soldiers are dying out there..... laying down their lives for you..... all because this is taking too long!", I say in anger. 

"Ya, that's their job you expect me to shed a tear because they are fulfilling the duties they signed up for", replied the fat man, "they're supposed to be willing to lay down their lives. Don't get all high on me just cuz you finally have to earn your own keep after all these years."  I jumped down from the corpse and started walking to the old man. 

"Ya, no arguing with that, your absolutely right, sir. Guess it's what you call the great or good, but still, sometimes it's not the life or the death of a soldier that makes the big difference".  

"Don't you dare", he threatened, "Your commander and I are old friends. One word from me and you'll be court marshaled. Believe it!". His two goons come at me, and I just knock them out cold with the back of my sword.

"That word going to come from beyond the grave?", I lift up my sword. 

"No, wait", he pleads and then I brought my sword down towards his face. 

The goon beside him started talking, " sir, maybe we should?" 

The merchant just glared at me and then said, "Pull the damn wagon out".

The employees of the merchant all moved the wagon away. The crowd of people then entered, I was approached a woman and what it seemed to be, her daughter. "You're amazing", the little girl told me. 

"You saved our lives miss, all of us are in your debt", said the woman. I was surprised by what they said, I put my sword away and salute them. The girl seemed happy, and then I walked off. After that, I left to keep fighting the Titans that were still remained. Even as was killing the Titans my mind was wandering somewhere else, I was thinking of Eren and how he was doing.

.....Eren as long as you're in my life, I can fight to the bitter end........

Moments before...... Lucas's point of View

After I had left, I landed somewhere far away, where no one would see me. "Damn, acting like that was hard".  Of course, I knew that Eren would be eaten. I also knew he wouldn't die, not yet.  I had a plan, first I would let Eren be eaten, then I would make it look like I went on a suicidal rampage. I left pieces of my equipment on the floor and made them look as if I had struggled or maybe died. Then when I was out of view, I would fight fire with fire.

I obtained this idea when me and the trio decided to become scouts 2 years ago. I would obtain the spinal fluid of a Titan and inject it in me, but it wouldn't be just any spinal fluid. It would be the same spinal fluid as Eren's. And thanks to my technology I managed to modify it, I wouldn't know if it was safe till I tried It. I knew the risks, but I decided to make the final sample. Today was the day, that I would use it.

I looked at the syringe in my hand and began to prepare myself mentally. I opened my right eye as wide as I could and held the syringe right in front. "Shit.....this is going to fucking hurt", I said.

I then force the syringe in my eye and squeeze it. "Aaaaah fuck this hurts!!!!,  so fucking much!!!!", I yell. I pass out, .........but my body it .....starts adjusting Itself to the injections fluid.

Present Time..........

Mikasa has just landed nearby the surrounding squadrons. [Why isn't anyone going over the wall, they must've heard the withdraw signal], she then turns to see the fort surrounded by the Titans. 

"Hey, Jean. What are we going to do?", Connie asked. 

"We can't do anything", Jean said in a low tone, "We were finally given the withdraw order, but of course we were all out of gas. I can't believe this is how it ends. It's all because of those dam cowards." 

"You mean the supply depot", Connie said, "What's going on? Where are they?".

"They have lost the will to fight, I understand why they would abandon their duty to supply us, and barricading themselves at the HQ. And of course, the Titans have swarmed the place, which means we can't get the gas ourselves", Jean says. 

"Then why are we waiting. We've got to go! We have greater numbers so we have a chance", Connie says, "sitting here on this roof is totally pointless! Eventually, the Titans are gonna come for Us! We don't have much gas left, and just waist it if we run away! And without our mobility gear, we are completely screwed!". 

"You're using your head, nice going Connie, but I'm not so sure we've got the numbers to pull this off. The veterans and the Vanguard have been killed. How are a bunch of rookies going to pull off a suicide mission like that? I mean let's assume half our forces could survive the assault. Then what, the supply run is probably crawling with 3 to 5 meter tall Titans. I don't think we could accomplish anything there.", Jean said.

"It's hopeless!?", Connie asks. 

Just then another squadron arrives only two of them are alive. Annie goes to them. "Have you guys seen Sargent Lucas anywhere?", she asked. The man in front of her looked to the side as if he was hurt. 

"Give it to her", he tells the other cadet behind him. She then is approached by a man holding what it seems like Lucas's scout cape, glove, and a cracked visor. 

"No...", she then falls to her knees and starts crying quietly, her best friend was dead. And she couldn't do anything about it. 

Armin noticed this and began to cry even more. Just then Mikasa arrives and lands beside Marco and Reiner. "Hey, Mikasa. Weren't you supposed to be at the Rearguard?", someone says. 

She heads for Reiner, "Hey Reiner, I know its selfish to put personal matters on the forefront but have you seen Eren's squad". 

"Over there", he said with a sad, "only a few made it back".

Armin she while heading towards him. "Are you okay? Your not hurt are you?" He moves his head even lower as she asked. "Hey wheres Lucas, wheres Eren?", He then stares directly into her eyes with tears in his eyes and a terrified expression, "Armin?".

"They were......The cadets and scout of squad 34, Thomas fogner, Fack tiers, Sargent Lucas and Een Yeager, these brave Men upheld their duties, to die valiantly on the field of battle. Mikasa then stands up in shock, Annie starts walking to her and then gives her, her friends things.

"Oh no, god the ripper is dead", one of the men says. Everyone starts to worry because their nations best soldier had died on the battlefield.

"I should have died not them. I .....couldn't do a thing. I'm worthless", En cried.

......That day the sky seemed darker more than ever..... 

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