Armed & Dangerous

Start from the beginning

"I didn't even notice you called we've been too busy flying around the country doing meet and greets." Chase said and I nodded.

"Yeah we kissed a ton of babies there heads are delicious." Adam said. "Here it is 17 missed calls and one text message with a mission alert."

Chase said looking up from his phone. "Well how can we help you. yesterday." Chase said all innocently.

"I had to go by myself." Mr. Davenport said. "Well that's terrible, you should have called us." Adam said. "Good news team, this weekend we're off to Paris." Graham said.

"Alright enough with the press tour they have important work to do because of you they missed a mission and people got hurt." Mr. Davenport said angirly.

"Well that's unfortunate but they have other priorities right now." Graham said walking away. "Oh so getting your faces infront of the cameras is mort important than saving lives?"

Mr. Davenport asked. "We didn't say that, it's just things have changed." Chase said.

"Well I'm glad we had 16 years of bionic training just so that you could do the weather for AM SanDiego." Mr. Davenport said. "That's tommorow.'' Bree said.

"You know what I'm really disappointed in you guys, all our hardwork and all you care about is being famous." Davenport said walking away furious. "Mr. Davenport.." I said trying to explain.

"You know what save it I thought you guys were heros I guess I was wrong." Mr. Davenport said. "And I thought you would be there to support us but obviously not." 

I said upset and Chase rubbed my back and I put my arms around his waist and my head on his shoulder this is not how I thought that things would go.


"Wow we really messed up." Chase said. "I know we got caught up in our own hype that we competely lost time of who we are." Bree said.

"I guess Mr. Davenport is upset that we're not his little secret anymore now everybody knows who we are." I said and Bree and Chase nodded.

"I can't stop tasting baby shampoo." Adam said. "There's my bionic team." Graham said. "Agent Graham we need to talk. We're done with your press tour we're going back to training and focusing on missions." Bree said.

"Excuse me." Graham asked. "Mr. Davenport was right, people need us." Chase said.

"Well unfortunatley he's not the boss anymore I am." Agent Graham said. "Why are you still so caught up in this? You already got your promotion!" Bree exclaimed.

"At first it was about the promotion but now that the world loves you there is no limit to how far I can taking this." He said.

"Well we're done with your dog and pony show." Chase said. "Whoa hold on, no one said anything about dogs and ponies." Adam pointed out.

"Look I don't have time for this the white house called this morning the president is making a special trip to meet you." Graham said.

"Wait the president is coming here? Today?" Chase asked. "Yea and if you don't show him that things are running smoothly I will make sure you end up

in a warehouse sitting in cages like the circus freaks you are. Any questions?" Agent Graham said and I swear my blood felt like it was boiling.

"Yes, will there be dogs and or ponies at said warehouse." Adam asked and I pushed him aside. "I got a question will I be sent there first for doing this."

I said and once I threw the first punch Chase wrapped his arms around my waist and I ended up kicking and punching the air. I was so pist off at that moment with Agent Graham.

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