Chapter 8: Another attack

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Later that night, Padme was asleep in her room while Anakin stood aside with his Master guarding the door. "Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. No assassin will try that way. Any activity up here?" Obi wan asked  "quiet as a tomb I don't like just waiting for something for happen to her, " Anakin admitted "oh come now Ani you really going to think that she's just another senator, " Anakin tried to ignore him but Vader didn't take well to being ignored "stop ignoring me Skywalker or I go and visit your girlfriend, " "don't you dare, " Anakin said glaring like Vader was standing in front of him even though he was inside of his head. "What's going on? "  Obi wan asked looking at a palm sized scanner he had pulled out of his belt, it showed Artoo but no Padme "she covered the cameras I don't think she liked me watching her, " Anakin said shrugging "what is she thinking?" Obi wan asked "she's programed Artoo to warn us if there's any intruder, " Obi wan folded his arms " It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator."
"I know, but we also want to catch
this assassin. Don't we, Master?" Anakin asked "oh you shouldn't have said that Ani, " Vader mocked "your using her a bait? " Obi wan asked with a stern voice "it was her idea don't worry no harm will come to her I can sense everything going on in that room, " he stopped for a moment before saying "trust me, " "its to risky and your senses aren't that attuned, my young apprentice." Obi wan said turning away from Anakin. "And yours are?" He asked "possibly, " Obi wan answered, while this was happening a probe droid had flown up to Padme's window and sent two poisonous creatures threw a hole that the droid had created. The creatures crawled around the room until they reached Padme's bed. "You look tired, " Obi wan commented "I don't sleep good anymore, " Anakin admitted "is it because of your mother? " he asked the younger Jedi nodded that was mostly true he had been having nightmares about his mother dying but he also had been having nightmares about Vader gaining full control of him and hurting everyone he cared about. "I don't know why I keep dreaming about her, " Anakin said starring out a nearby  window "dreams pass in time, " Obi wan said trying to make his friend feel better. Suddenly Anakin looked stunned and turned around sharply "I sense it to, " Obi wan said as he followed Anakin into Padme's bedroom, Anakin ignited his sapphire lightsaber and cut the creatures in half. Padme woke up and looked at Anakin with shock, without warning Obi wan jumped out the window and grabbed the droid that had sent the creatures in. "Stay here, " Anakin commanded running out of the room

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