Chapter 5: Senate

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"Are you alright? " padme asked Anakin who looked very upset "I'm very cold, " he said looking at her sadly, Padme gives him her over jacket and sits next to him. "You from. A warm planet Ani to warm for my taste, space is cold. " "you seem sad, " Anakin said " The Queen is...worried. Her people are suffering...dying. She must convince the Senate to intervene, or...I'm not sure what  will happen. " Anakin than reached into his pocket and pulled a necklace that he had made himself, "I made this for you so you'd remember me it will bring you good fortune. " Padme took it and placed around her neck "It's beautiful, but I don't need this to remember you. Many things
will change when we reach the capital, Annie. My caring for you will always remain. " Padme said "I care for you too, I just miss.. " Anakin starts to tear up and Padme gives him a hug "you miss your mother, " Anakin remains silent not knowing what to say. "Go on Ani give her a kiss and you'll feel better, " Vader whispered inside Anakin's head he ignored the voice though "are you really going to ignore me? " Vader asked but Anakin said nothing to him "bad decisions Ani, " he said and just like that Vader was gone this had happened before Vader would leave if Anakin wouldn't do what he wanted but he never left for long because if he left for too long he would eventually die because he couldn't survive without being inside Anakin. At least that's what he told, he wasn't sure if it was true or not but what sacred him more than anything was that if either one of them died the other would die soon after. When they reached the Capitol the Senate refused to believe that Naboo was under attack due to the Trade federation having places in the Senate. During this time Anakin was taken to the temple for the first time and as Qui-Gon had predicted he was declared to old to start training, they also sensed great fear in him which according to master Yoda it lead to the dark side. Despite this Qui-Gon declared that he would take Anakin as his padwan and since Obi-won was already a padwan he said that he was ready to face the trails. The council reluctantly agreed to this saying that Anakin could be trained as a padwan. However since the republic refused to help even though the Senate was preparing to elect a new Chancellor since Senator Palpatine had convinced the Queen to speak about how her people were dying and that she had not been crowned queen to watch that happen. Despite that Queen Amidala decided to go back to Naboo to save her people, since she had no army she decided to ask Boss Nass for help at first he refused but than Padme stepped in and revealed her true identity. "Your honor I am Queen Amidala, "

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