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as I woke up at 2:58 AM
in my bedroom alone

I heard the booming company of thunder
and the rolling of rain off my window
I loved the storm
despite how cold it would be

but then it reminded me of you
the storm inside of you
a hurricane
destructive and merciless

the rain washing everything away
and floods of water
the tears you leave behind

the eye of the storm
is you, yourself, Devil
and it's calm and beautiful
tragically beautiful
because it does not last long enough
to recite lines worthy of it

the winds that whip everything away
stripping everything down
until it's rubble to be washed away
those winds
baby, that's your now present absence
cold, violent and destructive

how I love every part
in the destruction I found peace
I love the storm
and my most favoured part
no matter how much I hated it's length
was the eye of you
I fell in love with it

I fell in love with you
for everything you are
because for once I met someone
who was destructive but brought harmony
to another storm

it is time to be treasured
that I spent with you
I'm better off knowing you
than I would've been not knowing
that such a person existed

as I woke up at 2:58 AM
in my bedroom alone
I heard the booming company of thunder
and the rolling of rain off my window
I realised I would never be rid of you
whether it's a curse
or I learn to play with my demons

The Devil's Love-Ridden Abuse II POETRY  Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now