Daniella turned, watching as the green eyed man got called once again. "Major! Gather the calvary. We shall be heading out soon." The intimidating soldier told, a sense of confidence and respect laced in his tone as he spoke to the Major.

"I will gather the calvary when I am ready to. I give the orders here, soldier. Do not push your boundaries more than you already have." His voice was stern, built with the attitude of an experienced and knowledged individual. Daniella was amazed by the young man sat proudly upon the horse.

    Dani felt the foriegn emotion of the blurriness return, then she was quickly thrown back into reality. Gasping as she returned from, who knows where she had been, she saw that she was at the bottom of her family's home staircase. Her mother and sister hovering above her.

"Dani? Are you okay?" Bella's concerned voice was something that Dani hadn't heard very often. She sat up slowly and winced at the sharp pain coming from her head.

"Ow! No, I...I don't know what happened.." Daniella spoke. She was scared. She didn't understand what had happened to her, all she knew was that her head was most likely injured. Daniella heard her mother sigh before getting up.

"Well, no school today. We've got to get Daniella to the hospital." Renee declared as Isabella helped Dani into the car.

*End Flashback*

    When Dani came back to reality she saw that she was on the floor in someone's arms. Her actions turned frantic as she looked around only seeing the faces of each of the Cullen siblings, except for the one she wanted to see the most and her sister.

"Bella? Bella?!" Daniella called for her sister. It happened every time. When this happens she feels the pull to her sister strengthen. She had to make sure her sister was okay it was a priority.

    Bella heard the yells of her sister from outside. Her and Edward had left to talk and he showed her the things she thought were impossible. When all of a sudden Edward said they had to get back. Bella didn't question it, she knew Edward always had his reasons. She hadn't expected, however, that she would be hearing the cries of her sister from outside the home of the Cullen's.

    Bella's eyes widened. She knew that yell. It was Daniella's vision yell. Bella bolted into the home leaving a surprised Edward behind.

"Dani?!" Bella yelled, she felt the pull now. Bella ran up the stairs gracefully, almost inhuman, before she got to the room holding Daniella.

    Isabella saw the Cullen's pained expressions. Jasper's was the worse, as he held her wriggling body in his stone-like arms. Bella knew that wasn't the right move at this point.

"Jasper, let her go." Bella spoke softly. Jasper immediately let go, watching as Daniella crumpled to the floor moving far away from everyone in the room. She was panting, when Bella sat next to her.

"It happened again..." Daniella whispered, her voice raw and cracked with her emotions. Bella sighed, pulling Daniella into a hug and hummed that familiar ballad from their childhood.

    After a while Daniella was calm once again, and Bella looked to the Cullen's, Edward and Jasper now standing with his family across the room. They thought it was their fault. That it was something they had done. But it wasn't, at all. Isabella's gaze drifted over to her twin.

"You have to tell them now." Bella whispered to her, knowing fully well that everyone in the room could hear them speak.

    Dani took a breath and nodded, "I know." She sighed.

"Tell us what, Daniella?" Carlisle's soft toned voice asked. Dani and Bella got up, Daniella only the slightest bit shaken from the recent events.

"Is there a place we can sit? It's a long story...and you all deserve an explanation." Dani stated, her voice vulnerable to everyone in the room by now.

The Forgotten Sister | Jasper Hale | Twilight | Book OneΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα