Chapter 12

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I felt my brain go blank, lust taking full control. I moved my lips against her soft lips as they caressed mine.

I felt my body being laid back, and I gave in. I felt my back hit the bed, and I grabbed for some sort of support. I wrapped my fingers around her hips, as she slipped her body onto my waist.

My heart rate was now out of control, my mind seemed to forget everything. All I wanted to do, was kiss Eden. Be with Eden. Love Eden.

I broke the kiss, allowing myself to breathe and looked up at her face. Her eyes looked lovingly down into my own, making my heart swell.

I ran my hands through her hair and smiled.

"You are so beautiful." I whispered.

She blushed, pressing my palm into her cheek and closed her eyes.

"Eden," I quietly spoke, my voice shaking.

She opened her eyes and looked at me, a small smile creased against her face.

I felt a feeling of fear, creep up into my belly. Fear that I would lose the woman I love, fear that anybody, could use her to get to me.

"I-I" I started to stutter.

"Eric, I know." Eden replied softly, "Nobody is going to hurt me Eric. I promise."

She leaned down and kissed me, and ran her hands up my chest. And that's when it hit me.

"No, Eden." I said, shoving her off my lap, "I can't do this to you. For your safety, I need you to leave. Get away from me, and I will do the same for you. It's not safe for us to be together."

And with that I got up and stopped a few feet away from the bed. My heart was racing, everything in me wanted to turn around and kiss her again.

Then, I heard a small sniffle, and I swore I felt my heart shatter. The small sniffle soon started to get louder. Her cries were soft, heart wrenching sobs.

I turned around. Eden sat on my bed, holding her hand to her heart.

"Eden," I said with remorse, "I'm sorry. Please don't cry. Please."

Before she can walk away I ran over to her and wrapped her up in my arms. But, she shoved me away and stood up, tears spilling down her cheeks.

"You're such a jerk, Eric. You want me to leave you alone? Fine. I don't want to be with some jerk that steals my first kiss, then just acts like it was nothing to him." She snapped.

She shoved me away and started walking toward the door, and I got even more scared. But for some reason, my feet stayed planted on the ground. Refusing to move, to even make an effort as she slammed the door, shattering pieces of my heart that were waiting to be broken.

And it was all my fault.

I walked backwards until I hit the bed, my body falling until my head hit my pillow. I stared up at the ceiling, a frown on my face.

No, Eric. This is for you own good. For both of you.

I got up and walk out the door, slamming it behind me. The hallway was dark, without a soul in sight. I walked down the hallway and knocked on Jack's door.

He answered, his voice hard, "What do you want?"

My eyes widened a little, "Uh, I was just about to put on a team meeting. Wanted you to come."

He shook his head, then suddenly a small figure peeked around his shoulder.

"Eden." I whispered, stepping toward her.

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