Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes as soon as I heard a rustle of metal.

I still felt like I had been beaten up with an iron rod, and I didn't want to sit up, but I did anyway. I sat up and looked over to the corner of the cell. Against the concrete wall was a brown haired beauty, staring back at me with eyes to kill. 

Literally, she looked ticked off. 

I raised an eyebrow at her, “What?”

She frowned at me, "Do you remember what happened? Whenever you went under the DNA serum?"

I shook my head. 

"No, I don't. What did I do?" I answered honestly.

She frowned again, looking at the ground, "You were acting like you were drunk, laughing at nothing, saying a whole bunch of random words, puking all over the place…shall I go on?”

I slapped a hand over my face, "Oh..." I moan.

She then started to laugh really hard. I frowned at her and sighed, "Stop it.”

"Stop!" I said again, once she didn't stop.

I stood up and crossed my arms, staring down at her with an angry expression. She finally stopped,

"I'm sorry. But it was really funny." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the smirk that was creeping at my lips. 

With a smile she said, "Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to try and get out of here." She flipped her wavy, brown hair and turned on her heel to continue her stupid attempt in escaping. 

This attempt did indeed keep me entertained for a while. I watched her in silence as she made attempts at running into the gray concrete wall. She was being so stupid, the only thing she would have after this would be two large bruises on each shoulder.

I rolled my eyes again. Are women really this crazy?

I heard footsteps coming down the hall, I looked up at Eden. She stopped and looked at me. We stared at each other for a few minutes, communicating silently on what we think we should do. Looking at the cell door, the exit down the hall, then back into each others eyes. 

When the guards unlocked the doors, we stood still. The first guard entered, followed by three more, all in their matching black uniforms.

"Follow us!" They yelled, two of them had guns pointed at us.

I narrowed my eyes, over my dead body. As they inched forward, I pushed Eden behind me. I shook my head, "We are not following you anywhere." I said, a little too quietly, I wasn't sure if they heard me.

They ran towards me and Eden. I guess they heard me. 

One of them hit me with the butt of their rifle close to my eye, I yelled out in pain, but I didn't fall. Eden lunged, with something in her hand, behind me. I turned around to see that she had stabbed one of them with her knife. She looked behind me, her eyes got huge and she screamed,

"Eric! Behind you!"

I turned around just in time to dodge the next man's attempt to hit me. I slipped past him and we ran. We ran like we have never run before. Down the hallway then down the staircase. We heard footsteps behind us, guards speeding up and trying to catch us. They fired shots at us, but, that only makes us run faster. My ears seemed to shut off for a second, the only thing I could hear was my heart beating. I don't even remember telling myself to run. We ran through a long hallway, I could now hear the guards screaming behind us to stop. Eden was wearing out, I had to pull on her arm in order for her to run faster.

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