Chapter 11

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I stood there on that old wooden stage, and stared out at the crowd.

To say it was a surprise, would be an understatement.

All this time, I had waited. I waited to become a leader, to show my people to a world of peace and a nation of power, by the people.

A deep happiness rose within me as I realized that I was there now. I was the leader now.

It was almost overwhelming.

"Congratulations, Eric." Archer said to me, his eyes were filled with pride.

I nodded and smiled, cheering along with my people.

People came up and shook my hand, congratulating me and giving me encouragement. For once, I knew this was where I belonged.

I steeped down off the stage into the celebrating crowd and looked for Eden and Jack.

I spotted Jack, talking to the girl with black hair.

I had an impulse to walk up to them, but I decided to leave them alone. I looked around and spotted Eden, sitting at at table in the far right corner.

I walked over and sat down next to her,

"Hey Eden." I said with a smile.

"Hello, Eric. What's up?" She replied, looking at me with a bright smile.

Did I ever mention before how much I love her smile?

"I am wonderful now that I am talking to you." I said, looking intensely into her eyes.

"Hey, do you want to go up to my room and hang out for a while? It's quieter up there." I asked.

With pink cheeks, she nodded. We stood up and walked out of the loud room and then walked up the stairs, until we arrived at what Archer said was my room.

I opened the door that had the numbers 210, and walked inside. It was nice looking; a king size bed, dark green walls, a dresser and a bathroom. It was the nicest room I have ever seen, honestly.

I took of my shoes, as did Eden and I sat on the bed. Eden ran and jumped on the bed, bouncing me around. I laughed and looked over tio her as she settled down on the mulit-colored quilt.

We sat there for a moment, in the dead silence of the dimly lit room and stared at each other, our eyes full of lust. I could feel it and I could see it.

And I wanted more.

I leaned up on my elbow and looked down at her. Slowly, I reached my hand and stroked her cheek, causing her to close her eyes gently. I traced her jaw, her cute nose, then rested my finger on her lips.

My finger slowly moved back and forth across her bottom lip, then as if she was tired of waiting, she sat up, until our faces were almost touching.

I felt my breath quicken, my eyes stared into her again. Our lips were centimeters from each other.

I had moments before her lips reached mine, and I wanted to kiss her so badly.

But, somewhere deep inside me, a voice yelled,

What are you doing! Your going to get her hurt!

And I knew it was right. If I started to care for Eden too much, being a leader of a upcoming war, it could have deadly consequences for her and I.

Her lips moved farther forward, her eyes fluttering closed.

Knowing what was coming, and what I might pay for later, I took a risk.

And the next thing I knew, my lips crashed onto hers.

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