Chapter 7

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Hello! Just to let you guys know, the picture is of Jack Moretti :) --------------> Just thought I would let you know! Enjoy the book guys!


I arrived at the front steps of the library a few minutes later. My feet stomped loudly on the old wooden steps, before I heard a loud creek. Then, suddenly, my foot slipped through the wood, breaking the step in half and I tumbled to the ground.

I cussed out loud then pried my foot out and stood up with a scowl, brushing dust off my pants. I hopped the rail and shoved the creaky door open. A small chime rang as I entered.

I scanned the room from left to right, then I started to walk toward the back of the room, swerving through the shelves and piles of stacked books.

I always, for some reason, liked the smell of the library. The musty books, the fresh breeze from the window by the counter. The library was one of the few places my mother would allow me to go, seeing that it was only down the street from our house.

I grinned lightly as I passed Mrs. Lamb, the librarian, who was sleeping in her chair. The light reflected off her silver hair, making her look like a sleeping angel. Well, an eighty year old angel.

I coughed from the dust accumulating in the room, then continued my walk to the back of the room. I ran my fingers over the faded colored books, feeling the soft and rough textures.

I stopped at the end of the aisle of books and looked at the gray book, in the middle of the shelf, titled "The Life of George Washington."

I smiled. My old friend, the only book I have ever enjoyed.

George Washington is my hero, but to the rest of the people in our nation, he was just a man that died at least a thousand years ago. I always admired him for his bravery, his strength, for his ability to lead his people to freedom.

As a boy, I needed an idol. And since my father was abusive and ignored me, he was as close to opposite as you can get. So when I first picked up this book, I saw qualities in this man that I had always wanted in a father.

So, I decided was going to grow up, just like George Washington. Strong, brave, smart and fearless. But, it didn't turn out exactly like I had planned. My fathers actions and words put fear into me, those fears made me shy and anxious. Not exactly who I wanted to be.

But, I felt like it was time to change that

I brushed off the dust on the book and started to walk toward the front of the library. I glanced at Mrs. Lamb, who was still asleep, and now drooling. With a small laugh and a shake of my head, I walked out of the library, the book under my arm. I hopped the rail again, then walked back in the direction of my house.

I flipped through the pages, reading a page or two before I tripped over something hard in the middle of the street.

"What the he-" I started to yell, but I quickly stopped only to see that it was a person on the dark dirt. I got on my feet and picked up my book.

I looked down at the person, "Hey are you alright? Sorry, I didn't see you there." I said, crouching down beside the curled up body.

I heard a small moan come from the person's mouth, then I watched the person slowly turn on their side. I was taken aback as soon as I saw who it was.

"Jack!" I yelled. I kneeled beside him, part of his face were dark purple, his right eye was swollen and blood ran down from the bottom of his lip.

I walked around him and then helped lift him onto his feet, hoisting him up by his armpits, letting my book drop loudly onto the ground. I didn't pick it up, I was more worried at the moment about my friend.

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