Chapter 10

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I took her hand, feeling her soft fingers envelop in my own and stood up from the chair.

"Alright, let's do this." I smirked, giving Eden a wink.

Together we all three walked out of the house. Eden, subconsciously, was still holding onto my hand. I laughed silently, deciding to keep quiet since I was enjoying the warmth her hand was giving me and the feelings that came with that.

After a while, she looked down at my hand in hers and blushed dark red. I laughed out loud this time and said,

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you have a lot on your mind."

She nodded and turned around, not replying to my comment. Some part of me wondered if holding her hand was so bad. I said that to make her feel less guilty, but what if she wasn't? What if she wanted it that way, maybe she liked it? A small sense of hope raised up inside my chest, making my heart flutter slightly.

I looked up and down the alley, leaving their small house behind. It was really late, the sun was sure to go down in the next few minutes. And personally, I was not very fond of what happens after dark.

After a few minutes, the sun had gone down and darkness had set in. I felt my body suddenly become tense, as if waiting for danger to pop out at any second. I guess some could call it a 'keen since of awareness'.

I pushed ahead of Jack and Eden, ready to attack at any moment if necessary.

"Eric." A whisper voice said. My heart raced, but I kept walking. Suddenly, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder

And then I lost it.

"What the-" I jumped six feet in the air, my heart going into over drive. I held onto my heart and tried to steady my breathing. My eyes narrowed as I watched Jack on the ground, in a laughing fit and an amused Eden.

"Don't. Ever...Do...That...Again." I said between breaths.

After Jack got done laughing he stood up and led us down the alley way. I came up behind him and tripped his legs, making him fall straight onto his face.

I smirked then continued on my walk with a whistle, Eden laughed beside me.

Soon, after the teasing ceased, we came upon a dark, concrete building. At one time, it may have been used as a factor, much like the one I worked in for the past few years of my life.

I walked up to the wall, then looked at Eden and Jack. With a smile, Eden came up beside me and traced an 'IR' onto the wall in front of us.

Confused, I asked, "What are you doing exactly?"

She chuckled then said, "The 'IR' written on the wall, is sort of like a "secret knock" of sorts. It tells them, were here."

Those words made my heart jump, adrenaline pump quickly into my body. I grinned, giving her a nod.

A moment later, the doors opened up. And through the darkness of the night, appeared a figure through a small bit of fog.

We all stared at the figure until it came into sight.

"Hello." Said a blonde haired boy. He was slightly shorter then me and had this smirk on his face that gave away he had a big ego. He was confident, he was independent, he was Irregular. I could tell.

"Hey Archer!" Eden said, giving him a hug. Archer hugged her back and grinned, which made me roll my eyes. Suddenly, I was not liking this guy so far, I wish he would get his hands off her.

Jack gave him a handshake, then walked over to me and slapped my shoulder.

"Archer, my man, this is Eric Winslow." Jack said with a grin.

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