December 24-25, 2013

49 4 0

" Dad, I really don't feel good." Cat said as Janet was herding the kids out the door, "I've been telling you for an hour, my stomach hurts." Cat said louder because no one was listening. She had opted out of pizza for dinner because she felt so sick.

" We're going- get in the car. I don't want to hear your whining." Janet told Cat firmly.

" Give me a second." Cat ran into the downstairs bathroom and emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. She flushed the puke down the toilet and wiped her mouth before washing her hands.

" Do you believe me now?" Cat asked Janet as Janet was waiting in the doorway.

" You little shit" Janet said. "You somehow manage to ruin all of my plans. I can't take you because then I would have to explain to everyone why I brought a sick kid. You can stay here."

" By myself?" Cat asked.

" I'll stay with her." Willam offered.

" No, you are coming with me. She'll be fine, plus we have our phones. But please don't call unless it's an emergency."

" Dad, what do I do?" Cat looked at William for help.

" Pepto is in the cupboard, you know your weight. Cat, just go rest with a trash can beside your bed. We'll be back around 10." William said as he shut the door.

" I probably got sick from that raw cookie dough Janet bought." Cat said out loud, she was alone, so why not? " They ate it too, why aren't they sick? I can't believe they left, I'm sick. I guess I'm lucky they left, it will be quiet so I can rest. Plus I know that I am going to have to be ok and smiling tomorrow morning."

Cat slept pretty well until she woke up about to throw up. Cat leaned over her bed and grabbed the trash can. She then got up and washed out her mouth. The clock in the bathroom read 1:00.

Cat laid back down and only woke up one more time during the night before she heard Sammi screaming for everyone to get up. It was going to be a repeat of last year, except that it was 6:45.

The thing about Christmas in their house was that it was really about who spent the most money and photo opportunities. Sammi and Teagen were too young to realize it. That's why they enjoyed Christmas. Cat was just disappointed every year. Yes, she got presents, but  she just wanted everyone to get along.

Cat changed out of her sweaty pajamas into the nice ones Janet had gotten everyone. No one needed $100 pajamas, in Cat's opinion.

Cat went into the bathroom and brushed her hair, trying to look better than she felt. Sammi opened the door and told her to hurry up. She then went into the younger girls room and helped Teagen out of her crib. Everyone had forgotten about Teagen again.

Sammi raced down the stairs and grabbed her stocking, she was about to open it and not everyone was downstairs yet. William had to tell her that she needed to wait. Sammi had no manners, but then again neither did Janet and who did Sammi spend all of her time with?

William went to get his first cup of coffee for the day.

" Hurry up, the children are waiting."

" They can start without me." He said tiredly.

Cat opened her stocking to find fancy pens and pencils, a magnetic bookmark, a new keychain, and more personalized stationery. Cat controlled her reactions and said "thank you" carefully in a flat tone. She got almost the same presents as last year because Janet didn't care about what to get her. Cat saw she downloaded a list of appropriate gifts and that's what everybody received.

Only Sammi and Teagen were happy with what was in their stockings and that's because it was toys.

Cat got new clothes, which she didn't need and new books. One was completely in French, Cat was only in second year French, she could barely read children's books in French. There were also more classical books. This time there was a history of the United States. There was some birthstone jewelry, which Cat could add to the jewelry box of stuff she wore once a year.

" Thank you." Cat said keeping the inflection of her voice steady. She knew she wouldn't get anything different next year.

The next thing they knew Janet was yelling over something that she did or didn't get, the same thing every year.

Janet was cursing William out and Teagen was trying to copy what she was hearing. Once Janet started screaming, Teagen started crying. Cat scooped her up and carried her into the dining room. She was squirming and Cat felt like she might drop her.

Cat slowly bounced her while walking around the dining room. Cat just rolled her eyes. Teagen was grasping onto Cat's shirt and rubbing her face into Cat's shoulder. Cat began a lullaby that their Dad would sing to Teagen sometimes.

"I'm not gonna cook tonight. " Cat declared. No one was listening, but that didn't really matter.

Janet and William were still arguing, but they had gone to their room. Cat checked the clock. It was noon. They had lasted longer this year, but Christmas was over.

Sammi was opening her presents and making a mess. Cat decided to get out some of the books that Teagen had received and read them to her. After the first book, Sammi came over and sat down quietly and listened to Cat reading. 

Teagen was asleep, so Cat just had to entertain Sammi for a few hours. She put on Christmas music and they danced around the living room.

At 4:30, Cat called the Lucky Dragon and ordered take out for all of them because there was literally nothing else open on Christmas. 

Once dinner was over, Cat bundled up Sammi and Teagen and took them outside to walk around and see all of the outdoor decorations in their neighborhood.

Cat was just grateful that the day was over once both girls were tucked in and asleep, she could finally crash, too.

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