December 2, 2021 (part 1)

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Cat woke up to Sammi and Teagen snuggling into both of her sides. She opened her eyes. I'm getting married today.

Teagen and Sammi had stayed over at her and Henri's apartment last night. Henri was already at the hotel-  getting ready for the wedding. 

That was just as well, it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride.

 " Today is the day." Sammi giggled. 

" That it is." Cat agreed. 

 Cat sat up smiling. Surprisingly, Cat had slept really well last night. She got up and went to put on a simple dress, her bridal party was going to the hotel to get ready. It was already nine in the morning, and the wedding started at four. Cat grabbed a cup of green tea as the girls grabbed a juice from the fridge and then she and the girls got in her car to drive to the hotel.

The drive was full of them singing along to love songs, today was the day to listen to them. 

Cat found parking and walked into the lobby, she texted Emma, who sent her the room number. They had gotten a suite just for them to get ready in.

They got in the elevator and thank god Sammi and Teagen were old enough not to fight over who pressed the elevator buttons. Cat didn't need to play mother today. Also, Teagen and Sammi were on their best behavior today, because they didn't want to cause Cat any stress.

They got out of the elevator on the tenth floor and knocked on the door. Katie opened the door and instantly hugged Cat, almost knocking her over.

" Don't kill me, I'm about to get married."

" You can't die until after tonight anyway." 

Cat lightly smacked Katie, she was always saying inappropriate things, but they loved her anyway.

Katie's daughter, Luna, was also there. She was already eating, but wasn't in her flower girl dress yet. Sammi and Teagen loved playing with her, she was their baby fix. 

" Ok, we were about to order room service, what do you want?"Emma asked.

" Some muffins and croissants if they have them."

Teagen and Sammi looked at each other and said " Pancakes" in unison.

Cat then noticed that Emily, her photographer was there.

" Don't mind me."

" While we wait for breakfast, I have a letter from a special someone." Emma told Cat. 

" I wonder who that could be." Cat took the letter and read

My Darling Cat,

In 8 hours, we will get to spend the rest of our lives together. I want you to know how loved you are, even if some of your family chose not to come. You have grown into an amazing woman since our first day of Kindergarten when you stole the tricycle from me. From there, we went from cooties, to crushes, to first dates. I know how cheesy this sounds, but I have loved you since the day I first met you. My five year old self had amazing taste, if I do say so. I am so lucky to have grown up with you, by your side. Your Mom would have been so proud of the woman you are today. She is smiling down on you. I know you are scared of turning into a person who I will not name, but you are the opposite. You are kind and caring and confident. I'm ready to start our next adventure. See you soon, Baby.

Love, Hen

Cat was crying by the time she finished reading the letter. She could tell that Emily was taking photos and was trying not to ugly cry.

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