Chapter 33 - "I knew you only liked me for my body."

Start from the beginning

For his part, Isaac looked content, his arms draped over his knees, listening. When Haley and Jace moved in the general direction of where he was, Isaac's gaze found her and a smile made its slow way up his lips. Jace leaned towards her.

"I think the outfit is a success," he said.

Face going bright red, Haley whacked him in the stomach with the back of her hand.

"Woman! You need to stop hitting me," he said.

"I'll stop when you stop."

Jace opened his mouth but then closed it and shrugged. As they settled down onto the warm grass, Ty and Josie came racing around the gym. When they spotted Haley, their faces broke out into identical grins and Josie skipped, her dark hair bouncing around her shoulders. Before they even reached Haley, they were talking, Josie letting out a squeak of excitement.

"We got them! We did it!"

The girls plopped themselves down in front of the pair, their voices overlapping each other and making no sense. Haley held up her hands.

"Stop!" she said. "What in the world are you talking about?"

As Josie took a breath, Ty plunged onward.

"We got the tickets! We're going to see Seven Ships this summer!"

Ty did a seated dance while Josie squeaked again, her smile threatening to break her face. Isaac walked over, his brows scrunched together with curiosity.

"What are you excited about?" he asked.

Both girls stood up and crowded around him.

"We're going to see Seven Ships!" they shouted in unison.

The widest grin Haley had ever seen cut across Isaac's face.

"What! Really?!"

Both girls nodded and Josie started jumping up and down, pulling on Isaac's arm. To Haley's surprise and amusement, Isaac jumped with her, cheering the whole time, his glasses sliding down his nose. The commotion drew people's attention but the trio didn't seem to notice or care. Haley found herself just staring, realizing she had never seen Ty so smiley. When their excitement finally lessened so their volume was tolerable, they all sat back down.

"Haley!" Josie said. "How are you not screaming along with us? I thought you would be more excited!"

"Yeah," Ty added. "I skipped fifth and sixth period to make this happen."

Haley fidgeted under their eager faces.

"I never gave you my answer, I figured just you got tickets."

Josie beamed as Ty shook her head. "Nope, we knew you would come so we got you a ticket as well."

Words deserted Haley at that point. After everything that had occurred on their first real interaction these girls had easily accepted her and went the next step including her on something that went past the limits of school. The gesture was so carelessly given that she didn't know how to respond like something so kind was just a simple thing. When she didn't speak, Jace did.

"I see how you so easily leave me out of this," he said. "Even when I made mention that I would enjoy such an event."

Ty and Josie both shared a look.

"We got you a ticket too," Josie said.

"What! Really?!" His face mimicked Isaac's, going from pretend annoyance to pure excitement. "Yes!" He threw his hands into the air and Josie grinned at the reception to the news.

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