Chapter 31 - "Ha! I knew I was your source of happiness."

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Embarrassed, she scowled at him, but he simply smiled back at her.

"And it's simpler than that," he said. "I woke up and saw a friend. Happiness isn't an elusive idea that can only be reached when you have tons of money or travel all over the place." Jace shrugged like what he was saying was basic fact. "Happiness is whatever you want it to be. My mom finds happiness in writing code."

His lips twisted to the side in confusion.

"That's really strange and bizarre to me but hey, she likes it. I know Josie finds happiness in cat videos though she doesn't own a cat." Something about this made him smile. "Ty is happy when she stares at people and breaks apart their lives. Rachel is happy when she smiles at someone and passes on happiness. Isaac, shocker, is happy when he looks at the stars. These are things easily found every day, you just have to find your own happiness."

Silence passed between them as Haley tried to wrap her head around the simplicity of his words and the weight that they held. For her, happiness had been hanging out with Lettie. When she left it had been like all Haley's happiness had gone with her. Though she felt that, she could see how it wasn't completely true, not since Jace had stepped into her life.

"You're strangely wise, you know that?" she said.

"Yeah, I blame JoJo." He dropped his head back in fake annoyance. "She's constantly trying to improve me by spouting knowledge and advice." He returned his focus to Haley. "I don't know why, I don't need improvement. I mean look at me."

Smirking, he gestured to himself.

"I could see her reasoning," Haley said.

The smirk morphed into a happy grin. He then nodded to her.

"So what makes you happy, Haley Day? Besides my amazing dance moves and killer body, because come on, I'm not a piece of meat, I'm a person with a personality that deserves love like everyone else."

Haley snorted, hearing the echo of Josie's voice as he spoke. Triumphant, he pointed at her.

"Ha! I knew I was your source of happiness. Can't deny it any longer."

"I can and I will, till I die."

He cocked his head. "You're saying you haven't been happy this morning standing out here with me?"

His question brought her up short because she couldn't contradict it. Most mornings were filled with a heavy dread but somehow he had shared his light with her.

"I will neither confirm or deny that statement."

Jace's face softened into a look of affection.

"I knew it. That always means yes." He walked backwards into his room. "Now, I'm going to go get a shower because they make me happy and no, don't think about me." Haley's mouth popped open in surprise. "Again I'm more than my body Haley Day, love me for my mind."

Before he disappeared into his bathroom, she regained herself.

"You're ridiculous," she yelled after him.

"Love you too!" he hollered back.

Grinning and shaking her head, Haley walked back into her room. Despite the silence of the rest of the house, she didn't let her smile slip away, she held onto it, fighting to keep the tiny piece of happiness she had found out on the balcony.

Through getting ready, she replayed Jace's words wondering if it could really be that easy. With what she had been facing the past few months it didn't feel like it was, but part of her still held onto what he said, storing it away.

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