"I think...Lauren will always be my world."

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"You know, I kind of took this stance with one of your quotes leading me through it," Lauren looked to a woman she'd long considered a role model of sorts.

"Why, I would not have pegged to you listen to any of the gibberish that I sprout sometimes." Ruth chuckled lightly, eyeing the green-eyed girl's tattooed arm, looking more impressed than disgusted; something Lauren rarely saw from women of her age.

She was currently sitting beside one of her long-time heroes that had brought feminism to the forefront of her mind and made her want to speak up about it. They were being televised but Lauren had grown to ignore that part after doing a couple already, now rather focusing on the company she kept, especially when the company left her with sweaty palms and feeling a little under-dressed. Compared to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's crinkle-less blouse and dress pants, Lauren's usual leather jacket and skinny jeans felt like trucker-wear.

"You told people to fight for what they care about but to do it in a way that will encourage unity, not division. And that's kind of been hard for me lately because all I've wanted to do is yell at every person that's looked at me funny," Lauren ran a hand through her hair. "I mean, I was pissed. My wife was attacked and I was ready to go on a manhunt, but she kind of reminded me of what you said and...you're right. I can't try to progress a movement by going backwards and relying on hate the way most of our current political leaders do."

"It's about timing, darling," Ruth nodded slowly. "There will come a time where you can shout and you will hear applause at your words...but I'm afraid that's not our current time. See, it's my generation that's causing this divide, a lot of us are still stuck in a rut where everything is black and white, there are no greys." She interlaced her hands and Lauren was in awe of the woman that sat with her back straight and conviction coating her voice. "Tradition is a strong thing to hold onto, you must understand that, so change comes as a shock to those unprepared. I was lucky, my mother always taught me to be true to myself and I grew up knowing that despite what was said about me, I am being true to how my mother raised me. This is the same for others, however, their mothers were quite as progressive as my own."

"What's it like being in the Supreme Court then? Because I'm aware that it's still so patriarchal, there aren't a lot of women there."

"It's a push and pull," The older woman sighed. "There are times when somethings we say are overlooked and other times where what we say makes the most sense, but I am there, I never want to be ungrateful for that. I used my presence there to be fair and unwavering when I have to be."

"That's kind of badass."

"My dear," Ruth scoffed. "I see you cussing left and right at anyone who dares to question your reasoning for what you do...and you call me the badass? But..." She put a finger up for a moment. "Tell me, what is your idea of feminism?"

"That's...broad," Lauren chuckled lightly, running a hand through her hair again before releasing a heavy sigh. "I guess...it's equality in every sense of the word. Women having the same rights as men, the same pay, the same validation. It's the LGBTQ+ community no longer being beat on and judged. It's the simplicity of acceptance."

"Damn, Walz, your girl is getting her slay on!" Dinah nudged her best friend as their eyes stayed locked on the television screen.

"I should be there." Camila groaned in irritation.

"I don't think Ralph wants you anywhere near that world at the moment." Dinah rubbed the Cuban's back lightly. "Keep the poor bitch's heart at ease for a while."

"I know, trust me, the last thing I wanna do is contribute to her losing her focus." Camila's eyes stayed glued to Lauren on the screen. "I just...miss her. I feel like we never see each other anymore."

"That's cause she's literally never just in one place anymore, that girl is taking on every state and making sure they know she means business." But Dinah saw the longing in the other girl's eyes. "She'll come back to you, Walz. You're her home."

"And she's mine." Camila nodded, her heart feeling heavier than it had the last few weeks.

She couldn't deny it, it had been playing on her mind over and over again. How much she missed Lauren. How they almost never got to talk anymore. How Lauren seemed so lost in her world of social justice that she couldn't quite see their world anymore. Camila didn't know if Lauren missed her the same because Lauren hadn't said anything to her in the last couple of weeks. They were always brief phone calls, a quick catch up on their lives and then Lauren had to go to sleep or head to a rally or speak on a podcast. Recently she'd been taken to television. After Ellen it seemed like everyone wanted to talk to her wife.

Lauren even had her own manager now. Roger had offered but Lauren wanted him to focus more on Camila than her.

"Hey, I know that look," Dinah pinched the older girl. "That's the 'I'm-gonna-fuck-with-Camren' look, I saw it enough in high school."

"I feel like she doesn't need me anymore."

"She'll always need you, Walz, you're literally the only thing that keeps that girl sane." The Polynesian could see her words weren't really getting through to her friend. "Listen, you guys are married. That shit is forever, so no matter where you are, you guys are bonded for life. You could go weeks, months without seeing each other but you are tied to each other. You guys are unbreakable."

"She's got a new passion now, Dinah. With her art, at that was here. I could watch her paint for hours, you know? But this...it takes her away from me. And don't get me wrong, I am so proud of her and everything she's doing, but I'm wondering if along the way...she's leaving me behind."

"I'm assuming you've tried talking to her about this?"

"Twice now, but we keep getting cut off by something or the other." Camila shrugged, leaning her head on her best friend's shoulder. "I know how we were in high school and I promise you we will never be like that again, I think I'll always follow her, China. I think...Lauren will always be my world."

"Then what's that look about, Chanch?"

"I'm scared," Camila confessed. "I'm scared that I'm not her world anymore."

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