Of course she was doing what she could for Sandra and staying with her but she knew things were getting worse.

Sandra was awake most of the night last night but refused to let Ally do a thing for her accept draw her up some extra morphine. She felt helpless. A nurse yet she couldn't do anything to help her because Sandra was too stubborn to let her.

The truth was Ally was scared, she was petrified of losing Sandra and Sandra knew it. She didn't want Ally getting too close to her.

Sandra had forced her to come out tonight saying she needed to go have fun, hell having Katie around was her idea of fun not this, about to sit down at an awkward table for the next 2 hours.

"She is ok" Ally smiled weakly not wanting to get into it.

"I'm sorry I've not been around much lately" she added as Rach pushed her playfully.

"Don't be silly...anyway we could do with a catch up soon..I think we need to talk about things" Rach replied as they sat down.

"Not here..we will talk soon ok" she whispered as Ally nodded and took her allocated seat.

A few minutes later and Jane was dragging Katie by the arm towards them. Ally felt sick, she was nervous about being around Rach and Jane...about Katie.

Glancing up at Katie in her black one shoulder dress she looked beautiful standing there nervously next to Jane who immediately started blabbering on about something to Shel.

"You ok babe" Rach asked Ally who snapped her head back to face her friend.

"Yeh of course" Ally smiled.

"Tiffany....Alison" Jane greeted the two of them as she sat right opposite Ally.

"Hey Jane so lovely to see you again" Ally said as sincere as she could.

"Katie..you too" Ally smiled at Katie who looked at her nervously and gave her a loving smile before Jane turned to look at her.

"Hey Al" Katie replied shyly.

"Katie it's been a couple of days...what have you been up" Tiff interjected as worry washed over Katie's face.

Ally's face snapping around to glare at Tiff who grinned into her 4th drink.

"Katie's been in surgeries all week, what do you mean a couple of days" Jane suddenly taking an interest in what Tiff had to say.

"Oh doesn't she know about the other night" Tiff asked as she looked between Ally and Katie.

"Know what" Jane asked as she snapped her head around to look at Katie and then back to look at Ally who looked nervous.

"Relax ice queen she dropped off Sandra's prescription...I was visiting my woman" Tiff replied as her arm grasped Ally pulling her close.

"You two...ugh" Jane scoffed giving them a sickened looked as the colour appeared back on Katie's face.

"How is that old lady anyway" Jane asked as Ally's jaw clenched.

"Her name is Sandra" Ally snapped.

"Let's order drinks" Katie stuttered nervously as she shot to her feet and called the waiter over.

Ally glared at Jane who smirked at the nurse before placing her arm protectively around Katie's hips as she stood at the table.

"Great idea" Rach added the awkward tension was felt by all. The waiter came as everyone settled down.

Katie glanced at Ally who glared at her shaking her head, she knew this was never going to be easy but Tiff acting the twat wasn't helping either.

Katie grabbed a piece of bread from the table as she began to butter it, doing anything but looking across the table.

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