Chapter 18

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  Gingerpaw couldn't stop thinking about what Wolfrunner had said. Why would he think having another clan in the forest would be great? 
  Gingerpaw shook her head. I need to focus on hunting.
  She stopped by the river and sniffed the air. She tilted her head.
Wolfrunner's been by here. But I thought he was back at camp talking with Drizzlestar?
  Curious, Gingerpaw jumped up the river and followed his scent trail. She stopped at the border, and snorted.
  I bet he's at that place again!
  She carried on, and not too long after she arrived at the place Wolfrunner had shown her not that long ago.
  She went through the entrance to see Wolfrunner talking with his brother, Darkpaw.
  Wolfrunner was looking at Darkpaw as he spoke. "See, that's why I think it's-"
  "Wolfrunner!" Gingerpaw interrupted. "I had a feeling you would be here."
  Wolfrunner's eyes brightened as he saw her. "Gingerpaw! It's so great to see you! I was just showing Darkpaw this place."
  Gingerpaw padded over and nodded. She looked at the other apprentice. "Isn't this place great?"
  Darkpaw shrugged. "Yeah. And Wolfrunner even told me his-"
  Wolfrunner quickly moved his tail in front of Darkpaw's mouth. "So, why did you decide to follow me?"
  Gingerpaw suddenly felt hot with embarrassment. "I um... was just hunting when I caught your scent at the river. I knew that you were talking with Drizzlestar not too long before so I was just wondering where you were, that's all." She blurted.
  "Mhm." Wolfrunner said. "Are you sure that's all?" He pressed with a purr.
  "Yes!" Gingerpaw mewed. Why did he have to ask so much when she already gave him an answer?
  "Aw, I was so sure you were just worried that Wolfrunner was with Bluefeather!" Darkpaw teased.
  Wolfrunner shoved his brother. "Shut up!"
  "Whatever." Darkpaw said. "Just saying, I don't understand why you hung out with that cat so much."
  "Well... I shouldn't have trusted her so quickly." Wolfrunner admitted. "We barely know anything about her."
  "Anyways, do you guys want to go hunting?" Gingerpaw asked, wanting to get out into the forest again.
  "Sure." Wolfrunner answered. "Let's go."

  Wolfrunner, Gingerpaw, and Darkpaw walked into camp, plenty of prey in their jaws. They walked over to the fresh kill pile and dropped it all off.
  "Looks like the annoying apprentice is back." Clawtooth came over with a look of disgust on his face. He stared at Gingerpaw. "I see you couldn't stand a day without your brave warrior."
  Gingerpaw growled. "What do you want?"
  Clawtooth shrugged. "Nothing, just some fresh kill."
  He picked up a mouse, the one Gingerpaw had caught, and threw it aside.
  "Ew. Don't want any prey caught by a mangy apprentice like you." Clawtooth snickered.
  Wolfrunner stepped forward, by Gingerpaw jumped in front of him.
  "I have an idea, Clawtooth." Gingerpaw hissed. "Why don't you go find some crowfood for you to eat if you don't want it."
  Clawtooth growled. "Real warriors don't need to eat crowfood."
  Gingerpaw looked Clawtooth up and down. "Tell me when a real warrior shows up then, because I don't see one in front of me."
  Clawtooth unsheathed his claws and reached his paw out, but before it could reach Gingerpaw, Wolfrunner lunged forward and pinned him down.
  "Don't you even think about it." Wolfrunner spat. "I'm sick and tired of your attitude! You think you're all that, but you'll never be a good warrior when you act like this!"
  Clawtooth kicked at Wolfrunner's stomach, seeming to be using as much force as he could. Wolfrunner didn't even flinch as he stared at his half brother.
  Gingerpaw stared at them with wide eyes. "Wolfrunner! Please st-"
  "Is that all you got?" Wolfrunner snarled, completely ignoring Gingerpaw. "What kind of warrior are you? A weak one?"
  "I'm not weak!" Clawtooth spat, lashing out with his front paw. He was able to hit Wolfrunner in the face, and after a second the cut started bleeding.
  Before Wolfrunner could say or do anything, Leapfrost shoved him off of Clawtooth and stood in the middle of the two toms. At this point, most of the clan was surrounding them.
  Drizzlestar and Bouncefrost shoved their way through the crowd. The FireClan warriors were whispering to one another, and Drizzlestar glared around.
  "Silence!" She shouted. She turned to her two sons, growling. "What is the meaning of this!? Why are my sons fighting one another?!"
  Clawtooth sprang to his paws, hissing. "How can you even call this mousebrain your son?! He's not my brother!"
  "You're right, he's your half brother." Bouncefrost snorted, and Drizzlestar flicked her tail to silence him.
  "Was there any reason for you to draw blood?!" Drizzlestar hissed. "I'm disappointed in both of you!"
  "Everyone is just sick of his attitude!" Wolfrunner argued. "I was just standing up for Gingerpaw and everyone else he has made fun of in the past!"
  "Clawtooth, please don't tell me this is true." Leapfrost looked at the warrior, seeming to be worried. "You have a good heart, and I'm very proud of you no-"
  Clawtooth growled, interrupting him. "I don't need your pride, you're not my father." He spat. He looked upset when he said the last word. "My real father is better than you will ever dream of!"
  "Enough of this!" Drizzlestar said. "You will both be punished and separated from each other until you can behave." She rolled her eyes. "Seriously! Are you two kits in the nursery or are you real warriors?!"
  Clawtooth looked away and Wolfrunner narrowed his eyes, straightening.
  Drizzlestar lashed her tail. "You're all dismissed."
  Clawtooth hurried away, and Gingerpaw's other clanmates walked away from them.
  Drizzlestar shook her head, padding away with Leapfrost at her side.
  "Don't let Clawtooth get to you, brother." Bouncefrost said to Wolfrunner before joining Falconwing in front of the warriors den.
  Gingerpaw walked up to Wolfrunner then reached up to lick the wound on his face.
  "Please don't do that again. I know you thought what you were doing was the right thing, but attacking a clanmate isn't something you should do." Gingerpaw said.
  "Even if it's to protect you and all of the others he's hurt before?" Wolfrunner asked with a grin.
  Gingerpaw purred with amusement. "Yes, even if it's to protect others. Now let's go see Snowleaf so that wound doesn't get infected."
  Wolfrunner sighed, rolling his eyes. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
  "Don't make me bring you there myself!" Gingerpaw mewed.
  Wolfrunner laughed. "Okay, okay! I'm coming!"

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