Acotar - Of Embers and Shadows I

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And as they danced in the ocean of mist, the mountain under them still, she looked in the eyes of her love and whispered tenderly.

"The void, it's calling me."

And so she felt the black stone disappear from beneath her feet as she succumbed to the appeal of the depths.

She remembered fire. She remembered her mom and dad in the middle of it – she remembered crying out their names over the roaring flames that took them from her.

The storm had come out of nowhere.
At first it was the strong winds and the waves, crashing onto the deck and almost putting the ship on its side, that had worried her.

But it was lightning that got them in the end.

The first one hit the solid oak mast, completely splintering it all the way through from top to bottom, and the second hit the top deck and went straight through the hull, starting the massive fire.
The ship sank, and now she was floating around, somewhere in the ocean, on the only piece of evidence there was of ever actually being a boat.

Her breath was still panicked, hitched in her throat and troubled. She felt light headed from all of the smoke and she was tired from having to hold herself afloat for so long. Her head was also hurting from all of the crying and she cursed at herself for being so weak.

Her parents had never been religious.
Deities, priestesses, High Faes and such seemed so far from their reality, they'd rather believe in and worship nature and the earth they farmed.
She understood when she grew older, after they explained to her the relationship and history between mortals and Faes.
But still she found herself praying to one of the few higher powers they'd ever told her of.

"Help me Cauldron.."

Just as she uttered the words, she opened her eyes as she felt the bottom of her feet touching the sea floor.
Land, was what met her sight.

A hoarse sob of relief fell from her lips.

Her body ached badly as she walked onto shore. A wave rolling up from behind, caused her to fall on all fours in the low water.
She crawled the rest of the way till she crashed, her legs still touching the ocean whenever it reached for her and tried to drag her back out.

Her mouth was dryer than salted meat and she pathetically tried to wet her lips with her rasp tongue.
Sand scraped against her face and clung to her hair and wet clothes.

She didn't know for how long she had laid there when the sun finally broke out from behind the skies, and quickly warmed up the parts of her body where black leather and fabric adorned them. The rest of her body however, was left un-kissed by the rays.
She rolled onto her back and let the sun dance on- and colour the inside of her heavy eyelids, as darkness slowly overtook her.

Sounds of three heavy thuds shaking the ground beneath her was what reached her next - somewhere in her semi unconscious state - like thunder rolling over the skies.


Her eyes flew open as conciseness finally set its claws in her and she realised she couldn't breathe.
Exhaustedly she lifted her upper body with shaking arms as she began heaving. Vaguely aware that she had an audience as three pairs of shoes appeared in her peripheral. 

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