Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Day three of knowing Fin, and he'd officially rocked her word. They'd stayed on the phone through the night talking about everything from literature to music preferences to family. She'd snuggled deep into her covers, a warm feeling radiating through every ounce of her being as they'd talked quietly in each other's ears. She replayed the best parts of the conversation as she picked at her breakfast.

"What's with you this morning, Dee?" Her mom poured a cup of coffee from the glass carafe, drowning it in cream.

"What? Me? Nothing."

She sat at the table opposite Delaney, tucking her chin length blonde hair behind her ear. Since living in Florida she went a few shades lighter, ending up with a beautiful clear blonde without even a hint of red, unlike Delaney who inherited her reddish highlights from her father. Her locks seemed to turn an unappealing shade of peachy-pink in the sun, the red undertones not at all enjoying the Florida elements. "Nothing. Uh-huh," she said with a smirk. "Then what's with this goofy little grin you can't seem to wipe off your face?"

"Oh," Delaney said, blushing wildly. "That. Well, I kind of met someone. A guy."

"Is it Shane? He called for you a couple of times last night."

A lump formed in her throat. "No."

"He seemed to be under the impression that the two of you had plans."

She winced. "We did."

"Were you with the other boy, then?"

"Yes. But it wasn't like that." She fiddled with her English muffin, pulling the hard toasted edges off. "We were studying. I forgot about my plans with Shane."

"Young love," she said wistfully, trailing off.

"I'm not in love!"

"You will be soon. I remember that far off, glazed over look all too well," her mom laughed. "Just end it with the other boy, honey, you don't need any unnecessary complications."

"I'm going to today, in person."

"Good. At least you kids aren't sending Dear John texts—that's nice to know." She leaned in squeezing her daughter in a hug.

"What kind of text?"

"Nothing. Don't worry your pretty little head about it. Have a good day at school." She grabbed her coffee mug and headed out the door without another glance in her daughters direction.

Love. That's just ridiculous. Why would her mom even say such a thing? Her of all people—someone who moved across the country to get away from her ex—cajoling about the blush of first love. Weird, Delaney thought with a sigh. She wondered if her mom and dad ever had a functional relationship, if they'd ever even been in love before everything went south—pun intended. They'd moved here to Jacksonville, Florida, less than six months ago to begin anew, with a life devoid her father.

Now here she was, transplanted in Florida with Fin and Shane being the only two people she knew—and she was about to lose one of those.

"Hey. I saved you a seat." Fin pulled his leather bag off the desk next to him.

"Thanks!" She beamed, trying to keep the glazed, far off look out of her eyes as she talked to him. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him off by moving too fast.

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