
You knocked on the door to your best friend's house that night. Obito had plans to visit you at the hospital the next morning, but you just couldn't wait. It took all the strength you had to drag yourself across the village to his house, but this was urgent. A deep hole in your chest wouldn't stop you from reaching your goal. You hoped that your knocks wouldn't wake his grandmother when the door slid open, revealing the young Uchiha as his entire face lit up from seeing you.

"(y/n)! Those nurses let you go early? Seems a little late for discharges, though. What's up?"

Obito caught on to your anxious expression that told him you weren't supposed to be out, and he quickly ushered you inside.

With your legs crosscrossed, both of you sat on his bed across from each other. You rubbed at your temples dreadfully, trying to collect your thoughts and organize what had to be discussed.

"What's going on?" Obito asked in a mild tone, trying not to disturb his sleeping grandmother.

"Obito, we need to talk," you said solemnly. Obito's cheeks flushed at all the different implications behind your words.

"Your clan... do they... ever get together and... do anything?" You already knew that they did, but you wanted to hear an Uchiha's side on the matter.

Obito's eyes closed and he tilted his head nonchalantly, his eyebrows slightly creased in annoyance. "Yeah, ever since I became a Chunin, people from my clan have been bugging me to go to these dumb meet-"

He cut himself off, but you already knew why. The Uchiha were to keep those meetings secret, but you already relayed to the Fourth Hokage that the clan periodically group up to discuss political matters, including their growing disdain for the village. You were aware of a great deal about the Uchiha, but not everything. You needed Obito to share more with you.

"You need to tell me what's been going on at those meetings. Anything is helpful."

Could you have been any less subtle, (y/n)?!

Obito blinked at you, surprised that you knew about the clan meetups, but his expression soon switched to troubled contemplation. "I'm not supposed to say; the things they say there aren't allowed to spread to people outside the clan, that's what they tell me, anyway," he stated begrudgingly, his eyesight focused on the wall.

"Obito. Please." Your soft plea caught his attention as you looked up at him with genuine distress in your eyes. You weren't being manipulative. Obito saw real urgency on your face. Your beautiful face, he thought, finally succumbing to your benevolent request.

"Well, I'll admit that I don't go to too many of those meetings anymore. I guess the higher-ups sort of lost track of me and stopped caring if I showed up. It's 'cause they think I'm one of the weakest in the clan... so what good would I be there?" Obito asked rhetorically, his voice slightly raised in resentment. His face lowered with his fists trembling as they tightened to where the bones in his knuckles were clearly visible.

"Whoa, hey." Gentle hands softly enveloped his tense ones as you directed his attention back to your face. "You and I both know that's not true. Especially since you have the strongest willpower anyone's ever seen. Our brush with Madara is proof, and as your witness, I'll back you up if anyone thinks to give you any trouble! Besides, if anyone says that about you, you can just burn their house down. That doesn't sound weak to me!" 

Obito's eyes lit up with such delight at your answer; you couldn't help but return his happiness as you leaned in and planted a sweet kiss to Obito's cheek, prompting the Uchiha to tense in surprise; the scorching heat from his cheek almost seemed to burn your lips.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now