Hiding From Batman

Start from the beginning

I proceeded to have a silent breakdown as I shivered behind Aunty to the point she peak over in concern.

"Are you alright child?"

"Hardly" I meekly reply.

"Kara?" I heard an authoritative voice call.

"Yes!?" I bolt upright, nearly giving Aunt Martha a heart attack.

"Come here please..." Kal said.

I nearly wet myself as I floated over to where the two men stood. I was sweating bullets by the time I land on my two feet and stand right next to the two.

"Y-yes?" I try (AND FAIL) to sound chill and nonchalant.

"Despite your lackluster performance today," Batman out of nowhere growled at me, making me nearly flinch out of my skin. "There's another assignment waiting for you. Don't mess it up."

And with that he turns and disappears into the night, like he hadn't been there at all.

"Now I know why they call him the Dark Knight," I grumble to myself.

Kal raises an eyebrow at me but decides not to comment.

"You better go say bye to Ma and Pa," Kal then says to me, "your assignment is urgent and you need to leave for it immediately."

"What's my assignment?" I asked as Kal walked over to bid farewell to his folks.

I hear the thunderous roar of an engine kick to life, I spun around and see Batman's car-plane hybrid zooms to life. It's blaring white headlights illuminate in the dark.

How did we not hear THAT when it landed???

I turn back to see Kal already dressed up in his Superman costume.

"Your assignment is to go provide backup to someone in need of help over at Star Labs," he matter-of-factly informed me.

"And where are YOU going?" I point at him and ask.

"I have to go help Bats control a civil uprising over in India that is being orchestrated by The Brain, and then jump on over down to Indonesia and help the locals with a tsunami." His tone was urgent as I moved aside to allow him to pass by the door and go join Bats.

"Well you seem to have a busy evening ahead of you," I tease. "And it's not with Louis!"

"Well so do you, you better hurry and get your costume and go provide backup because knowing you, you obviously don't have it with you right now." He teased back.

I flush bright red.

"Low blow Kal-El," I whisper and turn to leave right as I see Batman about to peak his head out the window and yell at me some more.

Kal booms up into the sky and Bats blasts off right behind him.

With a sad smile I look up at them...when will I ever be prepared to charge into a fight and help others like them?

It seems like everyone is 100% ready all the time, constantly at level 100 when I'm stuck on the opening tutorial menu.

I turn around and look at Aunt and Uncle Kent standing on their porch and giving me a concerned look.

"Well...I best be going too." I tried to sound upbeat.

"Thanks for stopping by," Aunt Martha said while wrapping me in a hug.

"Even though you were only using us as a hiding spot" Uncle John grumbled.

Aunt Martha elbow him in the stomach and they both laugh. It filled me with warmth. I can't wait to one day find my special someone and share moments like this with them.

Who knows? Maybe it might be with Dick...

I say my goodbyes and zip off into the night sky to go get changed.

Halfway to Metropolis, I hear my communicator bleep. I pick it out of my pocket and stick the listening device in my ear. At least the one thing I consistently manage to get right is keeping my superhero communicator on me at all times, I had it on me more than my own cell phone!

Speaking of which, where did I drop that thing?

"Hello?" I say, without waiting to see who had called.

"I assume Superman didn't tell you who you'd be backing up?" I hear Batman's voice jump into my ear.

I waver in my flight patter but manage to right myself before I headbutted some clouds.

"Uh, n-no!" I answer quickly.

"Hmph," Batman scruffs, giving the impression that if it had been anyone else they would've asked, unlike the unprofessional superhero that is me.

"Will you stop being so hard on her!?" I hear Kal's voice next swoop in to my defense from his own communicator, "Ignore him Kara, he's on his period today."

I fight back my burst of laughter, rarely never do you hear Superman get vulgar and use bad words unless he's EXTREMELY pissed. He's called the SUPER boyscout after all!

"Your assignment is an extraction mission. We had an operative sneak into Star Labs to retrieve information from a mole we got on the inside," Batman begins to say.

"BUT the mole turned out to be a double agent," Superman continued, "they double crossed us and now we need to get our guy out before anyone knows who they were or that we'd ever been there."

"Who was the hero that was sent in?" I ask, trying to do my due diligence by asking the necessary questions and also sating my curiosity.

"Nightwing." Superman simply says.

And then I flew straight into a cloud.

My Name is Kara Zor-El....and I am SuperGirlWhere stories live. Discover now