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It was morning, the girls and Stefan left to school, while Elijah, Klaus and Kol went to the kitchen to get some blood bags, but they saw Esther making a cake.

"Mother, What are you doing?"

"Cooking!" She said with a smile. "Nowadays there's just so many decepeis and ways to make food. In our time, we barely had things to eat and to cook."

"Okay..." Kol said not finding this very normal, then grabbed a few blood bags and gave to his brothers.

"Elijah, did you spend the night out?"

"Yes, Mother."

"Were you with your little friend... Elena."

"She's my girlfriend, mother." Elijah said.

"Of course. I didn't know you had already made it official. So... how are things between you two?"

"They are great."

"I'm glad to hear that. I mean, she isn't a vampire for a long time and we never know what's like with newbie vampires. They are still learning who they are after they turned. And they are so easy to get hurt and turn it off..." Esther said, making Elijah uneasy because he quickly had flashbacks of Elena talking about her fear of turning it off. "But that won't happen with Elena. She has you and her friends don't seem to be in much danger."

"I'm going to the library." Elijah said, wanting to stop thinking about the possibility of Elena turning it off.

"That was odd. How about you, Kol? I'm really proud of you?"

"That's a First." Kol said to himself.

"Don't be like that. I'm being serious. I saw the people you hurt and kill all these years. I've seen your struggle with controlling your bloodlust and now you are very close with a human... You even spend the night together. Past you wouldn't been able to spend the night without drinking from her even if it was a bit. You really grown up."

"Yes... I did..." Kol said with a fake smirk and left, thinking about how long he could handle fighting his urges of drinking human blood, especially when he would be around April.

"Mother, before you say anything. Yes, I'm with Caroline. Yes, we are close. No, I'm not afraid of anything."

"That's great! If you get afraid your enemies can use that to make you weaker. And maybe mess with Caroline's head. But if you really have no fear, then there's no need to worry about that." Esther said with a smile and Klaus left.

"Mother!" Kol suddenly appeared in the kitchen with a question.

"Yes, son."

"Is there a way to stop the bloodlust. I mean, I don't have that but in case Elena has it. She's a new vampire after all." Kol said.

"There's no real way to stop the urges. You just need to be like that Ripper guy... what's his name? Stefon? Steven? Stafen?"


"I knew it was a odd name like that. Anyway, he was able to stop."

"What if... Elena... is against drinking from animals and blood bags aren't satisfy her."

"Well, there's only one way to stop all of it."


"By asking a witch to live as a human. The witch won't be able to reverse her being a vampire, but will be able to take her spirit to someone human and she would be able to grow old and do all human things." Esther smiled.

"That would certainly stop April from being in so much danger. And she could have a normal life..."

"What did you said?"

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