Chapter 6

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Inside of Eric's prescient a sketch artist mulled over his pad drawing a figure based on Eric's description.

"Good. Just make the chin slightly more pronounced and the forehead a little bit higher," Eric said standing by the artist.

From his desk his phone rang picking it up and answered, "Detective Foster."

"Have you found the mummy yet Mr. Foster?" Alexander said.

"No, but we have a few leads."

"Have you examined the bodies?"

"Yes, but from what I suspect you've looked at them too. You were also in the museum."

"I'm sorry but had to make sure."

"The mummy's alive isn't it?"

"I think it would be best if I could explain everything in person."

"When and where?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. One o' clock. Central Park. By the fountain. I will be waiting. And bring Miss. Ford with you when you come."

The following day amidst people out for strolls and playing in the park Samantha and Eric stood watch and waited.

"Do you know who this guy is?"

"No idea, but he said he knew the mummy was alive and was also the one who sneaked past our police tape into your exhibit."

Soon a Middle Eastern man dressed semi casually walked up to them.

"You came on time. Good."

"Alright, for starters what is your name and what do you know about the killings?"

All three of them started to walk together down the parkway.

"My name is Alexander Mustafus. I was sent here to protect and stop from what is happening but it appears I have come too late."

Samantha noticed the ankh amulet he wore around his neck.

"You're wearing the ankh? Looks just like the one that was on the mummy."

He looked down at it and held it up in his hand.

"Yes. For centuries my family's bloodline has passed on the duty from generation to generation."

"What do you know?"

"His name is Sethe and centuries ago he was a sorcerer who acted as an adviser to the Pharaoh until he tried in an attempt to overthrow his rule and take over proclaiming himself as ruler. He developed many followers."

"Until?" Samantha asked.

'Until he was defied and beaten by one of my ancestors, a practitioner of white magic who was able to contain him rendering him powerless using the ankh as his catalyst. And for as long as the ankh stayed with him he wouldn't pose a threat no longer to anyone buried away where no one would disturb his tomb."

"Ankh leaves the body? Mummy walks...." Samantha answered.

"He would have gone after anybody to drain their life force in order to regenerate himself to his human form."

"Does he look anything like this man?"

Eric pulled out the artist's sketch of the man and showed it to Alexander.

"That be him. I remember his face from my father's books of hieroglyphics."

"He also stole a book," she said.

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