Chapter 1

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Arthur Wellington was one of the wealthiest men in Los Angeles having owned several companies and real estate properties he acquired over the years and although he prided himself as a savvy businessman, he had a weakness for beautiful women. Being in his fifties Arthur already had his share of ex-wives and instead opted to have affairs but who could look past his age and gray balding hair.

However, sitting in his private den slumped over the couch he was passed out from an evening of heavy drinking as his woman of the day was opening his safe. Her slender fingers easily cracked the safe open finding on the inside a black case filled with an assortment of precious jewels. Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds. She took the case and quietly closed the safe leaning over giving Arthur a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for the jewels Arthur."

She stepped out into the hallway giving the guard a gracious smile and nodding but from quietly walking the stairs the bodyguard peered into the room seeing Arthur slumped on the couch and opened the safe finding the jewels missing.

"Stop!!" he shouted, after running out into the hallway.

She reached the door escaping hearing the bodyguard calling in on his walkie talkie behind her.

"Stop the woman who just left now."

She ran quickly down the stairs to a red sports car that pulled up fast where she got in and sped away just as a bodyguard shot his gun hitting the pavement. Inside of the car she breathed a sigh of relief and pulled off her blonde wig revealing flowing red locks of hair and eyes of blue.

In the high priced world of stealing Catherine Wright never let it said that she didn't do a job well but not without some assistance.

"So did you get them?" Paul Jameson said.

Catherine opened her purse and pulled out the case showing him the jewels. Paul took a glance appearing impressed. He was Catherine's partner in crime both professionally and personally. He too like Catherine enjoyed the thrill and the adventure it brought both of them.

He had followed her actions until he caught up with her in Paris after having stolen a painting from a museum. After having been impressed with her talents he knew together with his know how they could be a great team. He targeted the marks and dealt with the business end while she did the stealing. Catherine was convinced then that it would be an interesting partnership but never expected her own feelings for him to get in the way.

"I hope this was worth the trouble. We almost got shot."

"Well we didn't and got away."

"Took me enough time before he passed out."

"Now we can pass those on and get our finders fee."

"Then we can go back to New York."


Samantha stood at the podium looking over her note cards preparing to speak at the opening of the new Egyptian exhibit after two months of work. The press was in full attendance eagerly waiting about the new acquisitions for the museum.

"As you can see we have painstakingly made sure everything is as it was. We are honored to make this the center of our new ancient exhibit."

"How are you placing it?" a male reporter asked.

"According to our findings the mummy is from the Old Kingdom which places it around 2500 B.C. It is one of the oldest on record."

Unbeknownst to everyone standing in the crowd of onlookers Paul and Catherine observed the press conference.

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