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At night
Manjeet enters rds room and sees him having his son in his hand.  He looks at manjeet and moves  .
" i married  u just for my family and son and don't  expect anything  from me more than this. I am going  out with my son. " he moves out but stops
"I did  not expect anything  more sorry but don't think too much one more thing don't  be afarid i won't  eat u up.  " manjeet says with an attitude.
" cut this attitude of urs and moreover i am not afarid of u "
" then stay here " manjeet says and get her son in her hand.  " no compulsion  u can go out i will stay with my son here " and she lye down on the bed and sleep.
"But " but before  he could say anything  she lye down.  Rd moves to the sofa.
Manjeet thinks of san.
" rd is not as he seems.  If u irraite him u can really get want u want manjeet.  He is a child. " san laughs
Manjeet thinks of this and than
" di i really  don't want  to take ur place but i want to repay for all u did for me.  Don't  worry di i will take care of my son and " looks at rd.

Shivam and ruhi.
Ruhi enters inside  the room shivam stand up. Ruhi come near him silence is all around. Suddenly
" sorry  for all i didnot want to but i could not " shivam blabbers.
Suddenly  pihu closes his mouth both there eyes meet.
" do u love me "
" i do i don't  want u to be in this forced marr...
" do u love me thats the question " shouts.
" yes" shivam says.
Pihu kisses him. Lip lock then they come back to normal.
"I love u" pihu proposes.
" i love u " both hug.
And they cries

Pihu and maddy

Maddy and pihu sit on the bed.
" baby are u crying " maddy asks.
" The one who wished to see us together  is not there today.  "
Maddy hugs her.
" everything  will be fine"
" plzz don't  cry " he adds
" why"
" i can't  see u "
" what " she beats him he laughs.  Both enjoy  the night.

Nan look at stars and was thinking  suddenly  manik comes.
"  don't  worry  she is with us "
Manan hug each other.

Next morning.
Manjeet wake up and come to the kitchen and sees pihu and nan there she goes to pihu to help.
" i will  do it myself " she moves avoiding.
" pihu i.... " but she moves.  Nan comes
"Come help me " she takes her manjeet smiles.

In dinning hall.
All were seated.  Nan serves man pihu maddy.  Manjeet goes to serve
" i will do it myself " he serves.she grabs it. " i will do it " both start fighting  and food spills. Rd stand up manjeet move back.
" you...
" sorry.....
" manjeet what did u do stop it " pihu shouts.
" pihu" maddy stops.
" stop taking  my sisters place i know u very well stop playing ur games her i know u.  This marriage  was ur planning  i know it.  U stay away from my sisters family. U are bad luck to people around  u thats why people don't  stay near u  " she shouts and pushes her.
" pihu" nan shouts and holds her.
Manjeet runs crying.
" pihu this is not the way to talk with her" neil shouts.
" pihu i didnot expect this from u" both move inside.
" maddy take her inside " manik orders
" nan look after manjeet i will go to office with man". Both leaves.

In manjeet room
" you are a bad luck" these words runs around her mind she keeps on crying.
" di take chotu with u "
" di plzzx leave me alone".

Nan leaves

Night nan enters to see her still crying. She sits beside her
" manjeet let ur heart out"
She hugs nan and cry.
" what i will  do if he leave me "
" tell me what happen

" i was 10 that was the time i got married he  13.  They promised my parents that they will take me after 18 years to their house. They left our village and settled in city. My parents passed away and san di family took care of me because i was  dada's sisters grand daughter .  I was allowed  only to study till 12 then i waited for him but later i found out he ditched me and not interested in me.  Then with the help of san di i completed  my clg and now working  as a journalist.  What did i do so people leave me. I am not responsible. People  call me cursh unlucky etc etc

She cries. Nan consoles her. Rd stands outside  and listens to this

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