all set right

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Ruhi and pihu one side planning to unite Maddy and his brothers . Other side Maddy is planning to leave home.

Maddy is seen packing his bags and coming down . Manan sees it.
" Maddy" manan calls.
" I am leaving the house don't ask me anything" he says and leaves.
" Maddy " both shouts and run behind he leaves.

Other side
"Ruhi we should do something Yaar " pihu says.
" We will plan" ruhi says.
" Keep on planning when to execute idiot" she says.
Ruhi starts but her phone rings.
" Hello" she says. Other side someone speaks
" Di don't cry I will take care" she ends the call
" Shit Maddy left home" she shouts pihu is shocked.

On the other hand
Maddy is seen sitting in a park . Someone comes and keeps his hand on his shoulder.
He turns and see shivam.
" Did not get any house to stay" he asks casually.
" Come " he pulls him .
" Where " Maddy asks.
" My house" he says. Maddy says no but shivam pulls him. Then he calls ruhi and pihu and inform them also.

Days pass by all on their way enjoying life.
One day 
Nan feels so restlesss. Her heart beats fast . She feels something wrong . No one was at home not even servants  . She wants her loved ones to be alright so first she calls manik to ask them if he is alright then Maddy then she thinks to call San but stops she thinks that time someone enters into the house she turns looking but no one is seen .  Then she hears a sound and moves to the hall and sees some one on the sofa.
" Who are you" she asks and next moment she receives a slap her phone falls down and mistakely it calls San.
San is seen in a car returning home she sees the call and immediately pick because he heart says to.
" Hello" she says
" Leave me plzzz I don't know u" nan voice seems to scared.
" Nan " she shouts and ask the car driver to go to malhotra mansion mean while she takes the drives phone and call rd and inform everything.
" Who am I Haan I was an employee in your company for past so many years but your husband blamed me for stealing money and send me to jail because of him I lost my whole family  they committed suicide " he cries.
" I won't leave u " he comes near her but nan cannot move she is already in pain.
But San enters and pushes him and stand before nan . Driver also gets in and tries to catch the man but he attacks him.
" Kaka" they shout.
The man comes near them San lifts nan and hold her and they move back. The man pushes San and her stomach gets hit on a table.
" Di" nan shouts. San shouts in pain that is when rd enters with police . They catch the man they take him out . Manik comes back home but don't understand what happen
Manik comes near  nan .
" Nan are u ok " he asks.
" It's paining manik" she cries in pain.
Manik holds her that's the time we hears san's voice.
" Aaaahhhhhh rd it's paining my baby " she cries.
" Rd come we should take them to hospital" manik says
Rd node and both reach the hospital.
Both are taken inside outs manik sits crying rd hugs him . It is after a long time manik needs it today so he hugs back.

After few hours doctor comes out.
" Manik malhotra you are gifted with a girl child both mom and child is good" doctor says.
Rd hugs manik.
" I told u right" rd says manik smiles both realize their position and stand apart.
From San 's room doctor comes.
" Mr randhir you are gifted with a boy" before completing rd interprets.
" But she is just 7 months doctor how" rd asks.
" That's what I am trying to say randhir the baby is premature and it should be kept on a incubator don't worry these are common cases now a days " the doctor leaves.
Rd sits down crying manik comes near him.
" Nothing will happen to my son" manik says rd hugs him.

After 3 days.
Manan enters san's ward.
" Sorry" both says with tears
" For what" San asks smiling.
"Because of me only everything" before nan completes the sentence San keeps her hand on her mouth.
" Anything for my sister. I know why u left me when I decided to leave the house I know why u did not contact me . I know how much pain you undergone I know" she says.
Both have tears and hug each other and cry their heart out. Manik stands their still.
" Manik now your turn " nan says pointing towards rd who enters.

Manik and rd comes . Both know they forgave eachother but still they need to talk.
" Sorry for talking like idiot that day" rd say .
" Mistake was mine I started" manik says.
" But I should have managed " rd says .
" But" manik says .
" Stop ur buts and hug" nan says.
Both hug and cry.
" I missed u Bhai"
" Me too"

Finally both joined.
" Now Time to see my son . I promise he will be alright" manik says.
" Show us our daughter " rd says.
The nurse brings manan daughter in .
Rd takes her in hand leaves to San .
" She is just like u manik" San says manik laughs.
" No she is like my nan" rd says.
" Haan" nan says.
"No" San says
" Yes " rd says
" No"
" Yes"

" She is like both of them" a voice come and all turn back to look at Neil and ragini standing there.
They enter see the kid and every one and feel happy. Soon San nan all their family also enters it was overflowing with joy.

After a week every one get discharge sandhir's son is safe all go home.
" I am happy to see all together" ragini says
"Haan it's good" Neil says.
All share a group hug.
" But we miss one" San says.
" Haan " nan says.
" Maddy" Neil ragini says looking at manran.

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